Wednesday, July 03, 2024

Wednesday [12 and 13]

(1234) Afternoon all ... cold out there.

13.  IYE with a conundrum

12.  Some more


  1. Steve

    Not so warm here in Poole (17°C or 63°F in old money) either, James. Warble gloaming aside I've had probably the last "vote for me" piece of paper through the letterbox this morning - Labour Party. Her name is Jessica Toale and she lives in Soho, and according to the literature she is a 'them'. Yes you read that right she uses a gender-neutral pronoun. So who is she:

    Jessica Toale |

    And what does she do:

    What we do |

    That leaves me with the Conservative, Conor Burns, or the new Reform UK candidate, Ben Aston - he was Dorset Regional Coordinator for Brexit-supporting campaign group, Leavers of Britain, and later stood on a Clean Brexit ticket as an Independent candidate in the 2019 General Election.

    This will be a tactical vote for me to keep the Labour nut-job out.

    1. Yes, 17 or 63 up here too but feels cooler.

      Voting, yes … a few of us were discussing it … either not voting or Reform.

      Poole … think I’ve told the story … Amex Gold stolen in London, phoned them, heading for my European tour from Poole, thence Jersey, thence St Malo. They drove my replacement card to my B&B in Poole that evening … ferry next morning.

      Fond memories of Amex and Poole.

  2. Steve

    Lt. Stephen K. Bannon BA MA MBA (Harvard), USN Ret., had his first visitor yesterday. By all accounts he's fine, mostly in the library, and says the prison is 'well run'. Interviewed last week:

    Steve Bannon And Vaughn Hillyard On NBC Part One: The Political Prisoner |

    Steve Bannon And Vaughn Hillyard On NBC Part Two: MAGA's Horizon |


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