Friday, July 05, 2024

Friday [1 only]

(0232) Yes, up as surmised, after first half of the sleep. First stop X with, strangely, early results, I suspect from exit polls being from Alexandra Marshall from downunder.  Second stop Gab but nothing Brit there, third MSM … quick look at the Wail opening headlines, then held the nose and quick check of Beeb headlines, end of.  

Lowlights and highlights, still sketchy good news, trumpeted bad:

* Tory wipeout
* Yvette Cooper might lose
* Nige has a smile on the face, though no numbers shown
* Reform definite 1, projected up to 13 but …
* Old familiar second in three seats, “creditably”
* SNP battered it seems, Wee Krankie glum
* Northern results early, mainly Labour centres crowing, southern far slower.

That was the early picture, Aussies keenly watching through the UK night, not a peep from NZers. Most Brits, judging by X tweets, have gone to bed.  Lee Harris delighted.

On the conservative (lower case c, not Tory wokerati) side, I seem to recall from Kipper days, at the Euro elections, Nige’s lot had what … 29%, maybe into the 30s?  But that was the Euros. Come the Brit GE, two Toryish kipper MPs, later none.

Culprits are firstly brainwashed red and blue rosette “respectable in their own heads but fully brainwashed” Brits, real-info starved but propaganised from childhood by the MSM and schools … plus actual election corruption (South Thanet), far better hidden than in the US.

Brits truly are low-info, wanting it all to be good, hoping against hope then grumbling when it’s not … when their choices make it impossible. Banana republic stuff. 

No stopping the slaughter now, firstly of babies, born and unborn, children, women … and also separately … white men, esp. those ageing.

Now the retribution upon real conservatives really kicks in … I had a certain mild bout yesterday as a taster. Real conservative vote, leaving the rigging aside? I’d guess around 25% as a rump.

Second round of sleep hopefully now coming up here till around 0700. (Now 0304)

1 comment:

  1. Mordred out along with Shapps - not all bad then! So much for Mordred's druid performance at that ritual last year.....



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