Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Wednesday [1 to 5]

(0621) Late start for me, also certain things needed doing. Again, I’m going to have to take it as it comes … very weary.  More on that in Wed 7 (?) … the weariness thing. As for planning … think it not wise just now in great detail … there will be interruptions today again because of building around here. (0732)

5.  In the previous post items 2 and 3

… it strikes me that it’s becoming dominated by gals and there are reasons, apart from their being worth reading and personable.

Methinks the boys tend to drop back into sullen silence a lot, whereas the gals are much more feisty and prolific … if it’s for us, that’s great. If not, e.g. feminazis, karens … weeeellllllll.

Then the “algorithms” kick in … the system notes who is posted more and increases those postings. To overcome that, we or whoever need to seek out the guys, e.g. Wyatt, and deliberately click on such guys.

Moosh on the other hand is deliberate on my part … she and Bobbie run that old photos thing … Ripper and other boys do too but they’re a bit more brusque to approach, they can be: “Oh yes, why?” or similar.

4.  Moosh corner

3.  “Our” Julia

2.  Early roundup

Reader, if you see “Albo”, it means Australian egregious Labor PM, if “Dutton” … I’m thinking it’s the conservative (Liberal Party) opposition leader.

My feeling is the gals are either a bit naive above here or pretend naive.

Incidentally, blgr or ipad determined the order of those items, not me. I might have run Wyatt last anyway, for impact, but it was automatic system arranged.

1.  Man from the West Country one

a.  A review of 325 autopsy reports reveals 74% of deaths were directly due to Covid injections |

b.  Here’s proof that Covid injections cause cognitive decline; how does it happen and how do we treat it? |

c.  The overhyped threat of a human bird flu pandemic is a hoax to “reset” our food system |

d.  In 2025, all draftable US women will be force-vaccinated with deadly mRNA spike proteins by the Medical/Military Industrial Complex |

e.  A legal brief filed in New Mexico describes the dangerous impacts of smart meters on human health and wildlife |

f.  “Julian Is Free!” Assange Released After ‘Time Served’ Plea Deal With DOJ, Departs For Home |

g.  #DeepStateDiaries show proposed 9/11 reboot against domestic wrongthink |

h.  Eddie Hobbs: Globalists, we see you now and you’re in danger from the public who are waking up to your plan |

1 comment:

  1. Domination by women? The Oz male has disappeared in public life.


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