Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Tuesday [16 to 18]

(1342) Afternoon all. (1445)

18.  The now absent dialogue

Many times “back in the day”, I’d post Svali from 2000 and her comment that “the Russians” and “us” were never really at loggerheads at the bloodline and illumined level.

The Z Man has something not completely dissimilar about a group from both sides keeping the dialogue open … that much seemed supported by G Gordon Liddy who really was a neocon nutter.

The Z Man’s point is that whatever there was is not there now. The “limiters” on all out, runaway escalation are not there with the usurper govt in DC. I’m thinking Obama has much to do with it. 

He’s not the Old Corruptibles but a new monster … if he’s taken out, my feeling is it will be by one of the OCs.

By that point, will there still be humankind on earth, will the Rapture have been and passed?

17.  Seen at Roobeedoo2

16.  Just a few more

1 comment:

  1. Steve

    War Room snippets...

    Speaker Paul Ryan and His Team Rigged Our Russiagate Investigation Before He Started It | https://rumble.com/v53gcn0-speaker-paul-ryan-and-his-team-rigged-our-russiagate-investigation-before-h.html

    The Reality Check Of Brexit | Raheem Kassam (Kent shoreline) On Farage's Election Future Implications For The Globe | https://rumble.com/v53ggb3-the-reality-check-of-brexit-raheem-kassam-on-farages-election-future-implic.html

    Ben Harnwell: People don’t realise the extent to which France has already gone over to Marine Le Pen | https://rumble.com/v53h1i0-harnwell-people-dont-realize-the-extent-to-which-france-has-already-gone-to.html

    Mike Gableman: "Racine Recall" Of Robin Vos Has WSJ Editorial Board In Total Meltdown | https://rumble.com/v53hq6r-gableman-racine-recall-of-robin-vos-has-wsj-editorial-board-in-total-meltdo.html


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