Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Tuesday [12 to 15]

(0948) Evets is up across the way. Think the next will be one of these here Maigret radio plays. (1049) 

15.  Moosh corner

14.  Hultgreen-Curie Syndrome again

There are things trad men are built for … they’re eminently suited … pretty useless on some other things though. 

There are things trad women are built for … they’re eminently suited … pretty useless on some other things though. 

The core component of the syndrome is the Nemo factor (as in Finding Nemo) … the tendency to believe their own publicity as to their capabilities. At least non-left women have the sense not to go walking alone or as a pair in Morocco, believing they’ll be safe because the Narrative says they must be.  Ditto Lara Logan after the event in Cairo.  Lara woke up early enough, thank the Lord.

And so:

(No video linked to)

13.  Some more

12.  Johnson

Plus this:

1 comment:

  1. @BTPCasey
    A similar thing happened to my late father in law, dying of cancer, when the fan was removed. My wife and I bought a top of the range rotating fan to replace it. Despite being brand new, the hospital electrician had to verify it worked safely. Then we were told we couldn't use the fan as it wasn't hospital issue and, most stupid reason of all, we weren't allowed to use "hospital electricity". It was only when the local media became involved that there was a change of heart. When the old boy died, the hospital tried to keep the fan!


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