Thursday, June 27, 2024

Thursday [21 till close of play]

(1730) Evening all.

27.  It’s very late for me (2335)

… but I just saw something:

Often it’s the fleeting moment which stays with you, something which happens, it happens quickly, it’s not at all what others say later. Then there’s a lot of, “Oh well, I’m sure it’s not …”

Why would people say that? How are they sure? Simple answer is … they’re not … it just doesn’t fit their sense of reality.

There’ve been just a few I’ve been quite curious about.  In no particular order:

a.  NIST presser following 911 … I have always said NIST lied but of course, people say well govts always lie, it seems no big deal, but it was about clearing the rubble.  Gone now.

b.  On 7/7, a policeman in the station was told there’d been an explosion … 11 seconds before there was … the first one. I wrote it at a forum and the result you can guess.

c.  At the 2016/17 inauguration, I saw Pence and Ryan, briefly, exchanging repartee which seemed overwhelmingly to be derogatory, snide. There’s a difference between happy laughter/joking … and that. I commented at the time that there was something wrong with those two.

d.  The Clinton bunch, at the 2016 debate, said they’d broken no rule about consulting outside the room but that’s a lie … Clinton was clearly filmed in the corridor with aides.

e.  Before DJT went to the lectern, some man went to the lectern … DJT’s only … to supposedly clean the sides down.  Shortly after, at the lectern, Trump was not well. Both this one above and a pundit at the time claimed it was an attempt to kill DJT … I took it differently … that it was only to incapacitate for some time.

Yes, of course it could have just been last minute checking … but the action was wiping down … why exactly then?

Anyway, I’m not staying up for it, readers.

26.  Risible “debate” too

What gives here?  Is Trump just casing the enemy, just to see what stunts they pull?

25.  The risible “debate” later

24.  Isilme corner

“The harvest has begun!

Today I picked the strawberries - enough for dessert tonight and tomorrow for the two of us. This are far more strawberries than we've had any other year. And there are as many again still to ripen.

I also picked a punnet of blackcurrants. It was windy and threatening rain so I was delighted to pick them without fighting off the wasps. Also, no sparrows tweeting their displeasure this year. The jackdaws, however, noticed me and got a bit upset. Then the rain came so I dashed indoors, so only one punnet today.

The punnet of raspberries are what I picked yesterday. I picked a few some days before and used them in a trifle, but I'm not sure I can use these before they start to deteriorate. We could have them with yoghurt - but we have the strawberries to eat and prefer those because it's our first good crop. We have a cooked breakfast. So it looks like raspberry jam is on the books. I'll collect more tomorrow and make a few jars if I can. 

The blackcurrants will keep for a while and are destined for jam and possibly pies if I can gather enough. Hmm. We have visitors next weekend staying for 10 days, so perhaps I can gather enough for a blackcurrant pie. There will be enough for 8 of us.”

23.  Moosh and Ripper corner

22.  Just a few more

21.  Steve

War Room snippets...

a.  “This Diary Can Absolutely Defeat Joe Biden This Year At The Election”: Noel Fritsch On Ashley Biden Journal |

b.  Rep. MTG: Presidential Debates Set Up To Be Unfair By “Piece Of Shit” Dana Bash And Jake Tapper |


  1. MftWC 1

    The Biomedical State; how the global public health game works |

    Do genetically modified foods cause epigenetic changes which affect our bodies and our minds? |

    The War on Farmers will cause “food wars” – not climate change |

    Climate change is a $100 trillion wealth transfer from the poor to the rich |

    “Make Europe Great Again” |

    “How F***ing Dare You!”: ZeroHedge Immigration Debate Gets Heated |

    Large-scale prisons being secretly erected in all 50 states – will they be used to house illegals or force Americans into concentration camps? |

    How Obama’s Intel Czar Rigged 2016 And 2020 Debates Against Trump |

  2. MftWC 2

    West responsible for diplomatic failure in 2022 – Ukrainian lawmaker |

    The Duran's Alex Christoforou: Trump, Farage & Orban, Ukraine Should Settle - Daniel Davis/Deep Dive |

    How far can American money push the Kiev regime’s suicidal war with Russia? |

    Russia Claims Capture Volchansk Citadel; Nervous US Calls Russia Crimea Beach Attack, Seeks De-escalation - Alexander Mercouris |

    Russian strike hit Ukrainian airbases set to host Western jets |

    Nuclear provocation in [The] Ukraine, Coup attempt in Bolivia, Russia - USA Talks, Georgia, Media Wars - Levan Gudadze |

    US, UK and EU preparing for war against Russia |

  3. Toodles~
    Isilme! How lovely! You have green thumb. Gardening.Also a white on one. Baking!

    Nearly a week ago on my trip out West here in my country, one of the Americas, I also picked a basket of raspberries. My niece is a gardener like you.

    Fortunately she and others who were with us picked a gracious amount that day ( her neighbor’s plants have migrated into her yard so a huge crop).

    My basket must have had a hole in it…somewhere. It was empty by the time I returned inside her house. 🤔

    They surely were tasty!😋 😉

    1. Isilme:
      Haha Toodles! Yes, that's the problem with things like raspberries, strawberries, blackberries . . . and even peas. They somehow find their way 'accidentally' into the mouth. I don't know how it happens...

  4. MftWC 3

    White House Press Corps Forced to Watch Feed of CNN Debate From Building Across the Street Because They Believe There May Be a “Medical Emergency” Involving One of the Candidates Requiring On-Scene Coverage |

    What Are They Hiding? No Photos, Videos or Sightings of Biden During Week of Debate Prep at Camp David |

    Instagram ‘Accidentally’ Changed All Users’ Settings to Limit Political Content Ahead of Thursday’s Debate |

    CNN Demonstrates How They’ll Mute Trump’s Microphone During Debate |

    Swing State Voters Trust Trump More Than Biden to Protect Democracy |

    DNC Funnels Millions to Law Firms Involved in Unprecedented Lawfare Against Trump, FEC Records Reveal |

    “It Needs to Get Out As Soon As Possible” – New FOIA Emails Reveal CIA Panicking as They Rushed Approval of Hunter Laptop Letter |

  5. MftWC 4

    Your Must-Read of the Day: Liz Harrington on ‘How Georgia Was Stolen’ |

    Dominion CEO Is Served in Manhattan in Tina Peter’s Lawsuit |

    Turkish Illegal Alien Arrested For Kidnapping and Raping 15-Year-Old Girl Entered US on Biden’s Open Border Invitation in 2023 |

    Trump-aligned Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò Facing Persecution By Vatican For Upholding Truth In The Face Of Great Confusion Under The Pontificate Of Francis |

    Biden Regime To Allow American Private Military Contractors To Deploy to Ukraine |

    Happy Pride Month: Mother with Family Says She Was Kicked Off United Flight in San Francisco for Misgendering Flight Attendant With Wrong Pronouns (Video) |

    Tucker Carlson Savagely Dismantles ‘Dumb’ and ‘Stupid’ Far-Left Reporter at Australian Freedom Conference |


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