Thursday, June 27, 2024

Thursday [18 to 20]

(1413) Afternoon all. (1530)

20.  Take as you find

19.  Afternoon roundup

18.  Zero Hedge on Germany

“What is remarkable in this context is that the women were all non-German nationals and only one woman had any significant knowledge of German,” said the Mayen police department. According to Bild, all the people present only spoke Bulgarian, Romanian and Ukrainian.

The police determined that they were singing the song due to its spread on TikTok and other social media platforms. They were allegedly unaware that those singing the song face criminal prosecution, according to police. However, in similar cases, prosecutors have already dropped such cases, saying they did not rise to the level of criminal prosecution. Top politicians in Germany have called for those singing the song to face the “maximum penalty.”

Police still opened an investigation into “incitement of hatred.”


  1. Steve

    War Room snippets...

    “This Diary Can Absolutely Defeat Joe Biden This Year At The Election”: Noel Fritsch On Ashley Biden Journal |

    Rep. MTG: Presidential Debates Set Up To Be Unfair By “Piece Of Shit” Dana Bash And Jake Tapper |

  2. Is this why Auld Clootie was known as Auld Scratch? Doonhamer.


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