Sunday, June 30, 2024

Sunday [7 to 11]

(1025) Tempus decided to fug it again and I was called away for some time, back now and see DAD's returned, shall resume tomorrow morn I believe.  Would like to take these issues one by one. Have deleted ones such as Majorkas subpoenaed as you'll know soon enough and am really looking at things where major actions must be taken, en masse ... we just can't go on like this. (1121)

11.  This would not have been of quite as much interest

... had it not been Tolkien. Had it been CS Lewis or Spurgeon or Eliot or Chesterton ... weeelllll, expected, innit?  From lil ole me too. 

But Tolkien was more pagan fairy world and I'd roughly divide the belief systems as:

* Secular/physical/atheistic/science is god ... the hegemony begun around the 1770s and highlighted by Marx/Darwin/Royal Society, opposed by Disraeli ... that belief system, which the vast majority of the west has now succumbed to.

* Fairy/pagan/ancient myths thing, inc. Egypt, Assyria etc. Throw in Confucius, Buddha and so on.

* Highly aggressive, murderous world views which, to me, include the middle-east plus globopsycho using them. I identify three sections, highly active, highly destructive right now, ostensibly at the throats of the other two but in reality, imho, part of the same satanic push, a bit as the Uniparty pretends to be separate parties.

* Finally Christianity as it was biblically meant to be ... Matt 22:35-40 ... nominally a huge faith but in reality, just a small number of truly faithful across the denominations.

Tolkien in that quote, to me, identifies both his fantasy world or real pagan world, however you want to see it, as opposed to The Big Nothing, into which pours unmitigated evil in a more Christian sense. 

That lady downunder touches on the spread of this evil:

It consumes everything ... nothing stands in its way ... and the worst of it is most don't even see it as untoward, they see it as somehow "libertarian" and good.

10.  The three letter sites

9.  Not only why would anyone vote against it

... but why would there be any need to vote on it anyway?  Meaning it should already be on the statutes.

8.  An excerpt from Kathy's weekly ramble

... no url ... you know where it is:

Going to combine this with a comment by Gillian Flavell on that festivity in the mud:

7.  Have already once deleted Alex Phillips's requiem 

... but went back in a short time ago and retrieved it. See, thing is ... you could see it as dismayed, defeatist talk or you could view it as pretty accurate ... we'll know anyway by next weekend.  At first I thought nah, let's talk Reform up ... then I thought ... nah, let's deal with the reality of these criminal powermongers who are not going to let anyone populist get in and upset the applecart.

Here tis:


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