Sunday, June 16, 2024

Sunday [6 to 8]

(0900) What a start to the morning … total cloud cover has set in but the sun is fighting to get through and I hear many aircraft up there, not the usual commercial ones I think … maybe they are this time as there’s a flight path to our east … anyway, around 6 a.m., the owner texted to ask about something in the yard, I went out, just as the other two on this floor went to work … by that time, we were on the phone … plus you, dear readers, know what was happening on the blog, plus the coffee’s nice with the nibbles … plus there was correspondence …

… so that’s been my morning till 0900. How’s yours been? (0900)

8.  You wot? That bleedin’ 304 TS?

Liverpool Echo Editor @LivEchonews:

“Of course I take criticism of the Liverpool Echo extremely seriously and always take on board your comments, thoughts and recommendations often actioning many of your ideas and suggestions. And we are always grateful for, and appreciative of, constructive criticism. Being editor of such an historic and proud brand is a tremendous privilege but also comes with great responsibility.

But TS is arguably the biggest recording artist in the world and she is a great role model for young girls, and boys, across the globe.”

Again, you wot? Great role model? That 304? On which planet? Now I think, dear reader, that you begin to see the enormity of what we’re up against.

Here’s the Liverpool which the Editor “influences” … what fun, eh?

And one more thing … just had a notice that network connection had been lost.  Yep, went through the usual process … no internet. 

Uh huh. I saved the text, clicked out, restarted, padted text, this time without a certain female’s linked to name … piece of cake, easypeasy. Lesson? Do not write the name in full, nor link to it … the scriptkiddies don’t like it.

This is the war we are now in, ladies and gentlemen. Plus it’s started raining again out there.

7.  Kathy’s a nice read as a rule on Sunday morn

WELL, what a week it was! Most importantly it was the week when Mark Steyn took Britain's broadcasting censor Ofcom to court – his former colleagues in the MSM and from a union that is meant to defend free speech sadly conspicuous by their absence in a courtroom otherwise packed to bursting with his supporters. More below on this all-important test case for the 'on-air' freedom to challenge any official narrative.  

It was also the week of a new low – a US President declaring he was proud of his convicted drug-addict felon of a son. No remorse there. It was the week when Putin said he was ready for 'jaw jaw' but found the West interested only in 'war war' with an economy, unlike the West's, booming – yes it’s currently the fastest-growing major economy in the world

As well as the week of a new high – which saw Nigel Farage overtake the spent Tories in the polls and become the unofficial leader of the Opposition. This was the week too that Sunak's flailing Conservatives gave up on their costly digital campaign while former loyal Tory journalists started to come out and declare for their once bĂȘte noire. Finally, adding some icing to the cake of the Right's rout of the EU's establishment parties in the previous week's elections was the vision of Giorgia Meloni very much in the pink, consoling the dead men walking at the G7. For once the Guardian got it right.

For me, it was the week I gave up on summer and went back under my winter duvet.  

6.  Over at OoL

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