Sunday, June 16, 2024

Sunday [2 to 4]

(0520) Morning all … sky not so bleah today, sun is trying to appear. DAD has just dropped.

Do you remember, in exams, how they used to require you to “show all working”? Well I’m applying the same to both the doctrinal document in Sun 1 and inthe subsequent items throughout the day. 

I’m not one for showing only the “perfected document”, with multiple revisions unseen … imho, it’s more respectful to show readers how my mind ticks over as I piece together Sunday, alter, explain why, finally sign off that item. You can see how it’s put together in real time, as it goes … a “living document”, rather than a crafted, “secret” work.  

As long as the final version stays as is … that’s core as well. Once the beginning and end numbers go in the heading, the beginning and end numbers in the intro … that’s largely that, almost all times, ha ha. (0604)

4.  Early glance around

3.  DAD at NOWP

a) Yesterday I predicted violence at the left-wing rallies against 37% of the voters supporting the right-wing candidates at the EU elections held last Sunday – it happened. [Many videos.]

b) The Masons are also alarmed and will do a manifestation next Tuesday. 

“Gathered yesterday at the headquarters of the Grand Orient of France, the signatory Masonic lodges launch a solemn appeal for the mobilization of all Freemasons, brothers and sisters, to say ‘no’ to the inevitability of the victory of the extreme right and its ideology of hatred …”

(JH: Oh that’s rich from their satanic majesties who know all about “hatred”.)

c) You work for the Departmental fire and rescue service and are sacked.


d) Is your Insurer MAIF? Perhaps they need to be added to your boycott list. 

“The leaders of mutual societies have been openly against the National Rally since the announcement of the dissolution of Parliament last Sunday, in agreement with the values ​​they display…….”.

2.  Man from the West Country one

a.  Mass criminal complaint against those responsible for the EU Pfizer deal |

b.  Masks make ‘little to no difference’ after 15-month review prompted by New York Times columnist |

c.  Dr Ali Ajaz: Doctors have become employees who must adhere to corporate and government directives at the expense of patient health |

d.  California introduces tax-by-the-mile plan as state revenue from fuel tax drops due to electric vehicle usage |

e.  Do not hand these nation-wrecking lunatics a license to continue killing us |

f.  Their Strategy in the War on Food |

g.  Was George Orwell defending the Left, the Right or was he simply defending freedom? |

h.  Searching for the Truth About the Raid at Trumps Mar-a-Lago |

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