Saturday, June 15, 2024

Saturday [9 to 11]


11.  A woman who actually understands men

(Oh and she's Christian.) This is one to bookmark, boys. Question is ... how many women will also do this or will they auto-ignore or auto-fight it?

Where assuming here that he's a bog-standard man, not some rotter Chad or a Tyrone, as nothing works with them. So, assuming it's a standard, normal man ... see what you think, boys.

For me, the n1 takeaway was: "Men do not wish to fight with women." 💯. I used to go to great lengths to avoid fighting them, from storming out or going to the workshop the instant she came at me with those dreaded words of this is what I want this time: "We need to talk." Meaning: "You, the man need to sit for an hour listening to the shopping list of faults or demands."

I got to be fairly adept at escaping.

10.  Would you vote for either of these?

Vote for an Illumined WEFer like Mordaunt? You have got to be kidding.

Vote for this baggage? Two homes Angela?

9.  Early(ish) roundup

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