Saturday, June 29, 2024

Saturday [21 till close of play]

(1615) Evening all. Starting early and shall add to it bit by bit.

25.  Steve

War Room snippets...

a.  Jeff Clark: Chevron Deference Ruling Will Permanently Hinder The Administrative State's Ability To Exist |

b.  Julie Kelly On The Groundbreaking Fischer Ruling |

c.  James Rickards: Biden Would Have Family-Appointed "Guardian" If He Didn't Occupy 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue |

d.  Liz Harrington On First Presidential Debate: That Was Not A Debate, It was A Set Up |

24.  Tulsi G on Biden


And from a reader:

23.  pete

This popped up in my YT suggestions - sad of course but the guy's channel may be of interest. 

Do British Veterans Regret Fighting World War 2?

That was vlogged by a Zoomer and my feeling is that, being born in the late 90s or noughties is nobody’s fault, not even the Romans … maybe his parents … and so it’s to be viewed with that in mind. 

Below is a former soldier (retired) … Penseivat … on the question of conditions today. I too remember forces quarters in the late 80s, early 90s, in Mill Hill East and at Warminster. Yet look at this:


My Grandson told me that he wanted to join the Army, and asked which branch I served in (for 22 years). Rather than talk to him about it, I drove him round a nearby military barracks, and showed him the accommodation he would live in, as a single soldier, and the married quarters he would be allocated on marriage. 

I then told him that the single barrack accommodation in my day, though fairly basic, was well maintained, the interior by the occupants and the structure by teams of, often, ex military. 

WOn postings, we were 'marched in' and 'marched out' of married quarters, which were thoroughly inspected and, on leaving them, had to look as though no one had ever lived in them. Then, we have the Barrack Inventiory Accountants and Property Service Agencies again, often ex military, who looked after the maintenance and services.

Not that long ago really, some numpty in the MoD reckoned that the military budget could save a bob or two by selling the accommodation estate to a private company, which would maintain that accommodation, and the MoD lease those married quarters back from them. 

On paper, a very good solution and, no doubt, that numpty received a knighthood or CBE. 

The partnership fell through when the property company failed to deliver. Media reports are full of the shocking state of military accommodation, suitable for those serving their country, and their families, but not suitable enough when offered to the small boat islamic invaders, who were instead put into 4 star hotels. 

"This," I told my grandson, "Is what successive governments consider playing their part in the military contract. Most of these properties are in such a shocking state, no one in authority dare charge rent, or quartering charges for them. Would you be happy for (his fiance) to live in one of these?"

I am proud of my military service, serving in Singapore, Borneo, Europe, and Northern Ireland, as well as several UK posts but, knowing what I know now, would not enlist. Politicians pay lip service, especially on Remembrance Day, and then shoot (no pun intended) off to their clubs for a good meal, brandy and cigars, forgetting their promises to the military until the next November 11th.

Celebrate Armed Forces Day? I do, and meet up with ex colleagues and comrades, but the conversation, sadly, seems to turn to the same things, betrayal by the government of those serving, and those who have served. 

My grandson has accepted the offer of an apprenticeship at a local engineering works, and loves it.

22.  Andy at NOWP

21.  This came through the post

It was sent by the pro-life candidate in our constituency.


  1. Steve

    War Room snippets...

    Jeff Clark: Chevron Deference Ruling Will Permanently Hinder The Administrative State's Ability To Exist |

    Julie Kelly On The Groundbreaking Fischer Ruling |

    James Rickards: Biden Would Have Family-Appointed "Guardian" If He Didn't Occupy 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue |

    Liz Harrington On First Presidential Debate: That Was Not A Debate, It was A Set Up |

  2. Steve

    24. Tulsi G on Biden

    She's not wrong - and looks rather fetching in that Vietnam War era 'tiger stripe' top. Had a T-shirt like that, and the muscles, once-upon-a-time :)

  3. 24. No mention that Brandon is illegitimate prez though or any acknowledgement of the stolen election. Not impressed by Lily Munster WEF-er.


  4. JH: The VP pick is getting more intriguing.

    1. I think it will be the one who DJT told to stay healthy some time ago.

    2. JH: That one went over the head, can't recall.

  5. MftWC 1

    If ‘trans’ is a vaccine injury, what other dysphoria could vaccines be causing? |

    Australia: “Managed retreat” is a scam to take people’s homes and replace them with smart cities |

    A Supreme Court decision could make it easier for American courts to block ambiguous regulations aimed at combating climate change |

    Islands that climate alarmists said would be sunk by climate change are actually growing |

    Investigation into German Foreign Office Issuing Visas for Fake Migration Documents |

    Le Pen raises the stakes by challenging Macron’s role as commander-in-chief |

    Biden: Realization and Betrayal |

    ‘The American People Need to Understand the Deep State Is Running This Country’ ~ Sen Tuberville |

  6. MftWC 2

    Military situation on Ukrainian frontlines on June 29, 2024 (Maps Update) |

    Biden over-prepared. Obama supports Joe. Elensky, new peace script. McDs flex photo fail - Alex Christoforou |

    US and Israel are in talks to supply [The] Ukraine with Patriot missiles – Report |

    New attack on Sevastopol, Terrorism - West’s latest tool against Russia, ICC, Elections in Iran, GDP - Levan Gudadze |

    Russian missile strike smokes another Ukrainian S-300 system (Video) |

    Russia Shock Advance Toretsk, Ukraine Stunned, Russia Takes Sokol; Deploying N-Missiles Europe; DEMs Agonise - Alexander Mecouris |

    Ukrainian drone strike kills five people in Russian border settlement |

  7. MftWC 3

    President Trump Weighs in On Joe Biden’s Disastrous Debate Performance During Virginia Rally and Awards Him a Fitting New Nickname (Videos) |

    Democrat Bigwigs Discuss “Intervention” to Remove Joe Biden from Ticket Against His Will and They Want Barack Obama to Lead the Effort |

    Barstool’s Dave Portnoy Says Dems Planned Debate Fail to Install Newsom: ‘Sent Biden out For Slaughter’ |

    Jack Posobiec: ‘We Witnessed a Democrat Coup Against Biden’ (Video) |

    Biden Regime Staffers Are So Traumatized By Their Boss’s Garbage Debate Performance They Are Unable to Show Up for Work at the White House (Video) |

    Uh Oh… More Bad News for Democrats: Biden Cannot be Replaced on Ballot in Three Swing States, Except for Death or 25th Amendment |

  8. MftWC 4

    DOD Reluctantly Fact-Checks Joe Biden’s Insult to the Military Heroes Killed Under His Watch: “We Have Certainly Had Service Members Pass During This Administration” |

    Not Satire: Reporter Who Watched the Debate at a Nursing Home Says Biden Got Slammed by Elderly Residents |

    Haitian Who Entered US on Biden’s ‘Parole Program’ and Was Indicted For Raping Disabled Child in Massachusetts Freed on Paltry $500 Bail |

    “J’Accuse”- Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò Releases Statement On the Accusation of Schism Against Him |

    The End of ‘Macronism’ in France sends Globalist Media Into a Panic, as Snap Legislative Elections Set to Hand Power to Marine Le Pen’s Right Wing RN Party |

    And finally..

    Amusing Take By Sky News (Australia) Hosts Rita Panahi and Paul Murray As They React in Real Time to Joe Biden’s Trainwreck Debate Performance (Video) |

  9. #21. Abortio Delenda Est.
    The Roman Senator, Cato, would end every speech he made with a declaration against Carthage. "Carthago Delenda Est'. Carthage must be destroyed.
    Would that we had some politicians to say similar about abortion.

  10. Steve

    23. pete

    We're losing them fast now, it's the same as it was at the turn of the century when suddenly the last of the Great War veterans went off to sit with God. Last Wednesday it was D-Day veteran John Duke, who passed age 103. Big lad, Reconnaissance Corps, finds himself on Gold Beach on the 6 June 1944. Fought through Caen, Battle of the Bulge, then up through the Balkans and down into Germany. When asked about it a few weeks ago, he said: "I feel very lucky. I was always thinking, 'if I'm going to get it, please let it be quick'. I was thinking about it all the time. I never expected to survive it and I never expected to live so long."


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