Saturday, June 29, 2024

Armed Forces Day [18 to 20]


20.  Without properly trained Armed Forces

… supported, looked after later as well … we’re dead meat:

19.  Vox puts it in his confrontational way

The fascinating thing is that even when they are in terror for their lives and their lifestyles, they still do not have the intellectual flexibility to admit that they were wrong, that inclusivity is evil and destructive, and that a nation that ceases to be a Christian nation will soon cease to be a nation at all.

… as did TS Eliot:

… the Glastocult would also mindlessly fly flags for the deathcult, whilst huddling within metal fencing whilst  chanting their refugees welcome mantra … and see no irony in that.

18.  And some more again







  1. This popped up in my YT suggestions - sad of course but the guy's channel may be of interest

    Do British Veterans Regret Fighting World War 2?

  2. Steve

    20. Without properly trained Armed Forces

    The first photo shows a bloke going off the ramp of a C-130, static line, with a container behind his knees - which he has to release before he lands or he'll break his legs. If you're jumping from the para doors the container is round the front over the knees. Again the same hazard applies so in both cases you release the container and it hangs from a 15 foot suspension rope attached to your parachute harness. You ain't got that long either as in wartime you're only in the air for about 20 to 25 seconds. Peacetime it's usually around a 1000ft so 30 to 35 secs. The French tried ultra-low with three small chutes from around 400ft. I think they gave up on that one.

    1. Steve

      Forgot to add the photo was taken in 2020 and the DZ is somewhere in western Ukraine (looked it up). He's a Pathfinder from 16 Air Assault Brigade - the giveaway is the weapon (M4) he's carrying. Not to be confused with the Special Reconnaissance Regiment (SRR) though some overlaps exist.

  3. 20. My Grandson told me that he wanted to join the Army, and asked which branch I served in (for 22 years). Rather than talk to him about it, I drove him round a nearby military barracks, and showed him the accommodation he would live in, as a single soldier, and the married quarters he would be allocated on marriage. I then told him that the single barrack accommodation in my day, though fairly basic, was well maintained, the interior by the occupants and the structure by teams of, often, ex military. WOn postings, we were 'marched in' and 'marched out' of married quarters, which were thoroughly inspected and, on leaving them, had to look as though no one had ever lived in them. Then, we have the Barrack Inventiory Accountants and Property Service Agencies again, often ex military, who looked after the maintenance and services.
    Not that long ago really, some numpty in the MoD reckoned that the military budget could save a bob or two by selling the accommodation estate to a private company, which would maintain that accommodation, and the MoD lease those married quarters back from them. On paper, a very good solution and, no doubt, that numpty received a knighthood or CBE. The partnership fell through when the property company failed to deliver. Media reports are full of the shocking state of military accommodation, suitable for those serving their country, and their families, but not suitable enough when offered to the small boat islamic invaders, who were instead put into 4 star hotels. "This," I told my grandson, "Is what successive governments consider playing their part in the military contract. Most of these properties are in such a shocking state, no one in authority dare charge rent, or quartering charges for them. Would you be happy for (his fiance) to live in one of these?"
    I am proud of my military service, serving in Singapore, Borneo, Europe, and Northern Ireland, as well as several UK posts but, knowing what I know now, would not enlist. Politicians pay lip service, especially on Remembrance Day, and then shoot (no pun intended) off to their clubs for a good meal, brandy and cigars, forgetting their promises to the military until the next November 11th.
    Celebrate Armed Forces Day? I do, and meet up with ex colleagues and comrades, but the conversation, sadly, seems to turn to the same things, betrayal by the government of those serving, and those who have served.
    My grandson has accepted the offer of an apprenticeship at a local engineering works, and loves it.
    Rant over.


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