Saturday, June 29, 2024

Saturday [1 to 4]

(0526) Morning all ... bleah out there. (0604)

4.  Early roundup

Even though these are snapshots only, they should still be lettered. Last evening, I tried to direct a friend's attention to aone of this type, unlettered, and had to describe it. Better to letter it ... more scrolling for us but not much extra memory used up.



c.  Well of course ... as planned. Interlocked, they all are:



3.  Had to smile

... probably would have been better just to rescue her:

2.  Housekeeping

For those watching page design things (front end), my issue with headers, such as that at the top just now, is that it takes so much time to find suitable pictures and then superimpose text on the pic, as my eyes are not as they were on the laptop ... I can't see fine detail plus they're tightening up on good pics for moneymaking reasons. 

On ipad, the old eyes are ok ... on a computer over a metre away, no.

The images I need to place behind the default text on the left above need to have the main design to the right, as with the 0537 image above, leaving bluish or ligh coloured space behind on the left.  Almost all of mine on file do the opposite. The work to correct all this takes me from the blogging itself ... the other time is eating and sleepiness ... the country is also unhealthy right now.

Just mentioning it ... I'll make time this morning to go through all header pics ... I've vastly more sidebar pics ... so much easier to crop, enhance and load.

Just quietly ... the 0543 pic now has become almost my default header ... it's restful on the eyes, though vaguely apocalyptic.

1.  Man from the West Country one

a.  Australian drug regulator knew since 2021 that mRNA in Covid-19 injections could spread to vital organs |

b.  Politicians: don’t vote for them, it only encourages them |

c.  An outbreak of E. coli in the UK is due to salad leaves; or is it? |

d.  It is mobile phones and not the towers that cause health problems, Swedish researchers concluded |

e.  EU Top Jobs and the New Head of NATO – the Clown Show Continues |

f.  The European Mutiny: The Consequences are Just Beginning |

g.  The Debate Was Orchestrated Sabotage of Biden by the Democrat Party |

h.  CNN Says Dems Urging WH To Ask Biden To Step Down After Shocking Debate Performance (Videos) |

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