Monday, June 24, 2024

Monday [11 to 13]

(1020) There'll be a break so as I can cook up my two days worth ... next post at midday. (1046)

13.  When did we realise?

Hmmmm, I can only speak for myself here ... for some it was the death of family menbers separated from family ... for some the crazed political response.

For myself, I'd had two bad responses to flu vaxxes as an adult, following a smallpox vaxx as a child, requiring surgery.  That determined me there and then that I did not trust these people.

January 2020 and a bad bout of something for two weeks, I went into mt own isolation and around that time, the craziness started. I think it was in Liverpool that medics, with armed troops backing them, were going door to door through streets, vaxxing ... that was plain off, plain overkill.

And don't forget we're a blog here, so any alt-data was coming through ... which made official data seem lies.  Then the supermarket clownish thing of six foot distance, not 5'10" ... also, the virus could not go below head height at cafes so safe to demask to eat ...

... then came the internment camps, also Cuomo and care homes.  The clincher for me was answering the phone (last time I did) to an NHS switch panel woman and she it was who volunteered clots as my reason for "hesitancy".

Naturally, it was all now coming out ... about the same time I was refusing smartmeters.

12.  It will take some time

... just some perseverance and political will:

Icelandic officials are pulling back on their former support for Venezuelan migrants, and deported 180 immigrants who had only recently arrived in the Nordic country.

The about face comes on the tail of moves by the Icelandic parliament to change policy on immigration to be more in line with that of other Nordic countries, according to Icelandic Monitor.

11.  Some more


  1. 11. I thought that Taylor Swift's songs were all about fucking the patriarchy, something she has allegedly spent several years doing, many times, with many men.

  2. Steve

    13. When did we realise?

    Thought about the length of time it takes to develop a new vaccine, monitoring phase three human trials for several years after injection, that sort of thing. Up to ten years is not unusual for a new vaccine. Was I going to let them put an experimental cocktail of who-knows-what in my deltoid? No Thanks.

    Then there's the Great Barrington Declaration, which promoted shielding for vulnerable groups and herd immunity for the rest. This was in the UK Government's own pandemic preparedness document, which for some reason was abandoned in favour of a new type of vaccine never before used in populations. Think about the variables?

    The finisher for me was the coordinated attacks on highly credentialed medical professionals who were warning us about modified RNA and human biology. Mike Yeadon, former CEO at Pfizer was one of the first to recognise the problem and one of the first to get cancelled. There were countless others and they all suffered the same fate. That's a conspiracy so I was having none of it.

  3. 13. When?
    When we dug into what mRNA was, looked at how many guinea pigs it had been tested on and then the long list of possible side effects - approx 1200 - one of them being death. After that the celeb quacks and lefty luvvies telling us to have it or else life as we knew it would come to an end. It didn't of course!

    Was told many moons ago by a doctor that 'flu jabs were basically useless due to the speed at which viruses mutate. Also my better half developed the worst case of 'flu after a jab and passed it onto me. Better half developed pneumonia - scary -me not so bad. Never ever again! Besides, I got Cv in early Dec 2019 and despite pre-existing medical issues I survived. 'Flu was much worse in my opinion. No need for the terminator jab ta v much.


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