Friday, June 21, 2024

Friday [17 and 18]

(1515) Just a short post this time.

18.  The trouble with many of us men

... when faced with tragedy is that we don't really know how to operate, what to say. Speaking for myself, I'm right out of my zone of expertise ... women do this sort of thing far better.

However, we do have a chap and good lady doing it hard right now and in the sense of Dirk Gently's fundamental interconnectedness of all things, I went to Scrobs:

... thence to Grandad himself and if you read posts either side of this post:

... you'll get the picture.  Not good. The most immediate thing is to publicise as best we can so if you can see your way clear to getting over there and saying something, however awkward ... it might lift Grandad just a bit.

After that ... well I'm going to read through more thoroughly and see how it all stands. 

After reading through

There's always a guilt factor that we weren't around when needed and I have it now but it's not going to help Grandad and his lovely lady.  

It's certainly set me thinking that N.O. should be used for these sorts of things ... I mean here it is so let's use this blog, esp. if you have something to impart ... bollox to being stoic and all that ... post it or send it, all right?

Told you I'm not too good at this sort of thing. And Orphans' other author:


  1. Steve

    War Room snippets...

    Julie Kelly: Two Federal Judges Tried To Get Judge Cannon To Recuse Herself From Trump Case | Kelly: Two Federal Judges Tried To Get Judge Cannon To Rescue Herself From Trump Case

    Naomi Wolf: Watching Maddow And Fauci Helped Turn Matrix Of Public Health Into Matrix Of Communism |

    Brandon Showalter: Lying And Deceit Is Par For The Course When Gender Ideology Is Involved |

    Ben Harnwell: Rishi Sunak Projected To Be UK’s First Prime Minister In History To Lose Seat 😂 |

  2. 18. Awful decision to have to have an much loved pet put to sleep but it has to be done eventually. Grandad has my sympathy. They say things come in threes and they certainly have in Grandad's case. Shall raise a glass or two to him and Herself this evening. Wishing them all the best. 🙏


  3. 18. When my parents passed away I received a lot of sympathy, I'm as awkward receiving sympathy as I am giving it. I suppose t

  4. Oops, that makes me look cold hearted. I cry buckets in private.


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