Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Wednesday [12]

(1038) Back in France … housekeeping note … just running this, then a film closer to noon, not sure when I’ll be back, I’ll keep checking the comments thread throughout. Next post after that maybe 1430 or so.

Right, looking at Marine herself … yes, she’s a socialist at heart, as are many French … easy life on the State teat … but she also wants power.

Were she to make all her deals, including ditching the AfD, it goes down well in France for various reasons but it’s also denying the course previously taken by Jean-Marie Le and now vaguely followed by Marion.

Melloni did similar. Maybe she thinks in her head, Marine, that once she’s actual PoftheR, she can suddenly ditch the baddies above who allowed her. But that would be naive … they have the whole “game”, as they see it, factored in.

So Marine ends up a lame duck, whilst those actually voting her in think they’re oh so radical in their “protest” vote, a bit Dan Wootonish.  The real radicals … us … are not having a bar of it, but the now dissident public don’t want a bar of us … why can’t we have a radical change without evil radicals (like us)?

There’s a feeble lack of logic to the publuc … factored in by the evil muvvers running the west at this time.

And that’s where we are. Eva Vlaar has not mellowed yet, as women eventually do … Marion has not mellowed yet. Marine has, is seen as a safe pair of hands but it’s Eva Vlaar and Marion who are the true humanitarians and patriots.

DAD mentioned Marion this morning:

“Our Marion” certainly gets around! 

Present on Saturday morning for mass in Saint-Sulpice of the Notre-Dame de Chrétienté pilgrimage, Marion Maréchal walked the 40km between Paris and the Choisel bivouac, within the Saint-Louis de Gonzague chapter, often in the rain.

JH: Where are the men?

(Film at noon.)


  1. Steve

    Lunchtime news and there's a bit of conniption in the ranks of the MSM over Rishi summoning ministers for a Cabinet meeting at 4:15 this afternoon. The consensus is a General Election announcement. Methinks it's not about that at all.

    1. It could be the Grenville (Sp?) report. I understand the Rich Boy has received it.

  2. It's the GE on July 4th - Independence Day for many MPs.

    1. Steve

      There was me thinking it was the proxy war and our PM was about to announce a turn in our strategy that might bring an end to it. Silly me.


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