Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Wednesday [9 to 11]

(0800) Morning all, in case I forgot to say it. (0930)

11.  Hardly surprising, is it?

Demonrat of course:

10.  The three letter sites

9.  Second roundup

1 comment:

  1. Bill

    William Cobbett writing in 1824.

    That soul must be low and mean indeed, which is insensible to all feeling of pride in the noble edifices of its country. Love of country, that variety of feelings which all together constituted what we properly call patriotism, consist in part of the admiration of, and veneration for, ancient and magnificent proofs of skill and of opulence. The monastics built as well as wrote for posterity.The never-dying nature of their institutions set aside, in all their undertakings, every calculation as to time and age.
    Whether they built or planted, they set the generous example of providing for the pleasure, the honour, the wealth and greatness of generations upon generations yet unborn. They executed every thing in the very best manner : their gardens, fish-ponds, farms ; in all, in the whole of their economy, they set an example tending to make the country beautiful, to make it an object of pride with the people, and to make the nation truly and permanently great. Go into any county, and survey, even at this day,
    the ruins of its, perhaps, twenty Abbeys and Priories ; and, then, ask yourself, "what have we in exchange for these?"



Comments need a moniker of your choosing before or after ... no moniker, not posted, sorry.