Tuesday, June 06, 2023

Tuesday [16 to 19]

(1330) Afternoon all. (1514)

19.  P Digger

That's the way to do it people! Use the pen! (Or it's modern-day equivalent ;) )

18.  Some more

17.  Steve

This was predicted years ago, by one of the earliest bloggers on the subject, who used the term ethnocide to describe what the 'English Haters' would do to this particular group of indigenous Northern Europeans:

Erasing the English: Anglo-Saxons Never Existed, Claims Cambridge University


16.  Ripper

Lara Logan TV interview.


THE place for memes - hours of fun.



  1. That's the way to do it people! Use the pen! (Or it's modern-day equivalent ;) )


    1. Toodles~
      The pen the pen the pen! Ain’t it mightier than the sword? My modern-day equivalent is not even wanting to work atm. Somehow I have made an “ERROR”🤔. How does that happen? One types, then clicks the send arrow and that is that. But it ain’t!

      I suppose I shall pick up my pen, if the ink has not dried and look for paper that hasn’t withered and pen something to Whomever. Place it in an envelope, again, hoping it has not dry rotted, stick a stamp that costs a meal to purchase and send it by US Mail🥴😂🤣😂😝😜🤪🥴🤨 to intended recipient, aka Whomever .

      For it to get to the intended receiver, the mighty pen that has written words contained in the envelope, must go through a process requiring those in the chain to be able to cipher numbers and letters 🤭. On it goes or it doesn’t. It might end up as landfill out in Nowheresville like a heap o ‘ mail did near Pensacola,FL several years ago. Talk about ERROR!

      If I were at all suspicious I would be very suspicious that ‘someone’ was trying to hinder the common man being able to share and think, grouse and just have a bit of fun! I am so glad I am not suspicious.

      Just in case , I will get my old woolen blanket, matches. and pile up the sticks left from the trees that are being bulldozed all over the western hemisphere and write myself a letter!

  2. #17 Adapted from a comment elsewhere.

    The idea that the various North Sea pirate boats that attacked Roman Britain had crews who were purely Angles, purely Saxons, or purely Jutes is pretty silly. No doubt the crews were mixed and also included Friesians, Franks, and God knows who else. The idea that those crews, and their successors, then settled in distinctive places and kept themselves to themselves is implausible. Since, however, the ancient DNA chaps claim to be able to distinguish clearly the Teutonic invaders from the Romano-Britons then you want a term for them. I call them simply “Germans” and their language Insular West Germanic. Nobody else does. My name for the language seems to me to be indisputably superior - I wouldn't call it English until it had received its essential additions from the Norse, Danes and French. My name for the invaders suffers from the problem that it doesn't distinguish the seaside Germans who provided the pirates from other Germans far inland. On the other hand it is simple and makes no attempt at disguise. These buggers were indeed Germans.

    “Anglo-Saxon” is a term introduced two or three centuries later to distinguish the Saxons who lived in what became England from those still on the Continent. It more or less does as a label for that whole mob. Of course they didn’t call themselves that. In fact one historian I’ve read remarked that there is no record of any individual German invader or settlor of the period ever referring to himself as a Saxon. “Saxons” started as their enemies’ name for them.

    The legendary founders of Wessex had British names suggesting that the crews of the pirate boats weren’t even all Germans. Why would they be if some pirate mob found themselves a superior skipper who happened to be British? Or a British freebooter recruited a crew who were principally German?

    Mind you I guess that the anti-Anglo-Saxon mob neither knows nor cares about this stuff. They are just ruffians and bullies, I'd think. Much like the Anglo-Saxons, eh?

    1. JH: A bit like the term Celt on June 21st, 1792 I suppose. 😇

    2. Steve

      I wouldn't know where to start with that 'comment', other than Ealdseaxe, and what it means to be Englisc.

    3. JH: It’s a Scottish/English thing.

    4. Steve

      Once a heptarchy of tribes who later consolidated under Alfred the Great to become one English nation - and it was his grandson, Athelstan, who founded England: arguably the oldest nation-state in Europe.

    5. JH: Seriously, not worth engaging … if we really wanted, we could start on the Midlothian question and the Barnett formula:


      … but who could be bothered? And if peeved, we could start the ’45 over again, the bloody Campbells, who was actually in the “English” army and so on.

  3. Steve

    War Room snippets...

    ‘I don’t know how he stays in office’: Mike Davis On Biden’s Foreign Pay For Play Scheme


    Mike Davis Explains Where Jack Smith’s Baseless Prosecution Is Heading


    Ben Harnwell: “Spring” Offensive?! Abrams tanks and F16 jets to arrive “in the fall” — General Milley


    Brittany Martinez: Evie The Alternative Women's Magazine



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