Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Wednesday [10 to 13]

Covfefe post-brek, almost elevenses.  Where does the bleeding time go?

13.  Laura Perrins

12. Via Richard Wellings

The 20 mph limits that are spreading over most of London have not been set on any rational, scientific analysis of the benefits of speed limits and their enforcement. All that is happening is that responsible citizens are being prosecuted for trivial offences that have not harmed anyone.

11.  Doonhamer on IYE’s

In response to in yer ear:

I'm fed up of being included in the "we" of "we have a problem". In my yoof we had paper bags and paper carrier bags. My mother, grandmother and aunt took their own bag or basket when they went shopping. When I was sent on an errand for one of them I was given a [...]

Paper bags?

When Ah wor a yoof everyone had a bag made of some plastic or rubber coated cloth. Two feet square sides. They could hold a stone of potatoes a loaf of bread and a few other things. Lasted years.

What ever happened to string bags. Ideal perchance bag? Screwed up into a small ball, could hold more than you could carry and could be thrown into weekly wash. What you had bought, and thus what you had forgotten, was visible.

Gone the way of Rab C's fashion?

JH: Ah, wondered when Gregor would make his appearance, see here ye.

10.  IYE at NOWP

Urania - Part V

JH: I’m posting no more on this one here.


  1. Steve

    13. Laura Perrins

    Her colleague, Niall McCrae, has written a piece which directly concerns an old mate of mine who lives in Bexhill - he attended the rally and together with his wife carried a banner objecting to the installation of 1200 illegal aliens in this tiny town:

    Bexhill voices Middle England’s anger over illegal immigrants

  2. -- Justin

    JH, if you happen to know, what's the English translation of the Russian word for (string) bag? I specifically mean the "bag carried on the off chance there's something available in a shop to buy". I remember reading about it a few years ago on Tim Newman's blog.

    1. JH: There was definitely a word, all housewives went out with them but it was a jargon word, one word only, can’t remember it and my communication with Russia has been cut by either our side or the Russian, so can’t ask. However, I’ve a Russian friend in Germany and if you need to know, she could say.

    2. -- Justin

      Idle curiosity only

  3. Re. Gregor.
    See you. See you, Jummy. Ah'll gie ye bliddy fashun. Fashun is what ye wear when y'are gaun the a wedding, a funeral or yer court case.


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