Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Wednesday [1 to 3]


3.  Andy has one on Prescott Bush

Well yes, that one's on file with me somewhere, I'd have to look for it. If I find it later, I'll come back and insert it below.

The reasoning behind my being happy to run it here is simply the Woke left beloved Grauniad ... if it's in there, the tech giants would approve ... it's alt sites we need to protect more.

2.  So badly led, this country

... so insane the young, so weak and bewildered the normies.

The Prime Minister has intervened in the row over Kathleen Stock’s speaking engagement at the Oxford Union later today, saying the “vocal few” must not be allowed to stifle debate. The Telegraph has more.

Rishi Sunak has said that Prof Kathleen Stock has a right to be heard as he urged students to engage with the feminist academic’s views even if they disagree with her.

Prof Stock, who believes trans women are not women, is set to take part in an event at the Oxford Union on Tuesday evening, but her invitation sparked a backlash from trans activists.

1.  MftWC one

Operation Warp Speed? Pfizer patented the spike protein for a coronavirus vaccine over 30 years ago

Urgent, important: the vaxadoodle pogrom exposed (Dr Mike Yeadon)

EMA admits C**ID Vaccination causes Infertility

The Vax-Gene Files: An Accidental Discovery

Facebook admits C**ID Vaccines destroy Immune System & cause new form of AIDS

WHO releases draft Pandemic Treaty with COP to ensure implementation and compliance


“Trans Rights” Means Trans Entitlements and the End of Civil Society


  1. Legiron reveals more Vax ingredients (none good):

  2. 3. Can't find the image presented here (Bush) anywhere else atm.


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