Monday, May 29, 2023

US Memoral Day [1 to 3]

(0434) Also the Whitsun holy-day weekend. Er … plus bank holiday.  (0527)

3.  TDS

Sounds promising … haven’t read it yet:

2.  MftWC 1

A new study finds a sudden and sustained increase in excess deaths and stillbirths in Germany from April 2021

Israeli Ministry of Health: Zero Young Healthy People Died from C-19

Scientists prove Graphene Nanobots are in the C**id Jabs & are being transmitted from the Vaccinated to the Unvaccinated

Vaxadoodle victim: Alex Mitchell’s Story typifies the grievous bodily harm done to people whose only crime was to trust a covertly hostile government

FDA anoints itself the arbiter of truth, despite misleading millions of Americans into injury and death

Briefing by Chief of Nuclear, Chemical, and Biological Protection Troops General Lieutenant Igor Kirillov on US military-biological activity

1.  Whitsun and Memorial Day.

a.  Whitsun

If I’m such a cynic, unfortunately with a past history which does not go down well with others in authority, then the odds are that I’ve been like it a long time and got into trouble for it.

In Form 3 secondary (Year 9), I who had had exemplary school reports till then was delivered two which shocked the heck out of my parents, such that m’Da “summoned me” to the living room. My mother had delivered the news, had told me I was “to see your Father”, as she scurried away and made herself scarce. Those two really knew how to do a number on me.

Apparently, I was “inclined to treat the more serious aspects of school too flippantly” … that was the word they’d used, the bstds … and they were right.  The other report had said I was “totally disrespectful” of the institutions, of authority, and even of other people.

You know, the leopard never does change its spots. I was ultra-respectful of my parents, of “good people” who were knowledgeable, naturally authoritative through track record, of kind people, of people not “up themselves” … ne’er would they find a more loyal friend nor more obedient partner.

And naturally, I turned this cynical, ferreting instinct to the “sky fairy” and found that all the iffy bits were human related, e.g. the pointy hatted synods, the charismatic US tele-evangelists in suits after your money, telling me how much Jesus loved me.  

Then there were the crusades, Torquemada, St Bartholemew’s Day, Savonarola, which brought in John “hellfire” Calvin, telling me I was depraved, that I was the original sinner … and my natural instinct was to ditch the lot. Paedo priests, sickos in the Vatican … the Borgias.

Even the Great Schism was a fight for supremacy in a hierarchy which had nothing whatever to do with the Word, it was about some filioque clause, which sounded to me like a nice cut of beef.  

In fact, the more I looked at some martinets in full war robes, waving incense, telling me this and that, the more I dismissed them in my mind.  And as for the other High Priests, the Myrmidons and Karens … wwweeellllll.

Because I’d been such a “good little boy” you see … and yet here was this caustically disrespectful, “overweeningly” jumped-up upstart who thought he was the equal of heaven, like Monkey. 

Except it was not true … I was the equal of martinets, that was all. As for God and the Trinity … you know, there’d been an awful lot of people, from year one, the crucifixion, who had sworn by the veracity of what had happened … plus an awful lot of suppression and savagery going on for even countenancing that the thing might hold water, might just be true. An awful lot of people were laying down their lives. As well as blind followers, there were thinkers in there, people who’d carved out lives for themselves.  People I respected.

And this Whitsun had always puzzled me until I’d seen just how deeply ingrained it was in the culture … how many today would know what it’s all about?  It’s a pretty major western holy-day, being the birth of the church (sic), and imho, is worthy of respect, even from a disrespectful little bstd like me.

(By the way, they’ve just started laying chemtrails out there at 0510 as I write at you.)

b.  Memorial Day

One thing m’Da drummed into me was respect for the returned servicemen and women, the Veterans, and that’s never changed, the poor sods. Call it blind loyalty all you like but they are worthy of respect and if they’re American, so what?  All right, they were overpaid, ovefed and over here like foxes in a barnyard of hens but overall, they were our allies.  Leastways, that’s my attitude. And they keep losing wars, like Germany. But not when allied with us.

I was also respectful of the Russian servicemen and women whilst I was there, even now. My heart does bleed for the Ukrainians dragged into all this by the monsters above. And why are former allies turning on a former ally?

c.  Sleep pattern and the blog

Being an aging human with a heart issue and a bad attitude to life, unfortunately, my bed is a killer bed. Once the head hits the pillow, that’s me out like a light in minutes.  Which is not so respectful to our patrons here.

I’m saying, good people, that when I got up half an hour ago, lights were on, the night routines not done, things not put away … one night I’d not even locked the front door.  

Ditto last night … sorrrry, all those in the moderation queue. Truly sorry.


  1. Given that the élites want to kill us, or most of us, why would they not let "climate change" do thé job for them, and just let it rip? They want to dô it faster? Or they're afraid climate change won't do thé job? And if it won't, why won't it?

  2. In France this is the fourth "Bank Holiday" in May.

    1st May - Commie day
    8th May - Victory WW2
    18th - Ascension
    29th Pentecost

    Annual Holidays start next month !

    1. Bit rich of the French to celebrate WW2 victory, the victory was F-all to do with them.

    2. DAD They were the hosts.


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