Friday, March 31, 2023

Friday [4 to 7]

(0839) Morning all (0930).

7.  Hell of a lot going on at NOWP just now

… I’m genuinely having trouble keeping up wi’it, e.g. IYE’s:

“Felony charges” still under still seal

6.  Now and Next

The authorities can’t stop passing laws and beating up the citizens; it’s an OCD thing for them. Increasingly, whatever isn’t compulsory is forbidden; eventually the two will meet in the middle with a bang and that will be the end of freedom.

Today’s theme: cars.

5.  Tiptoe through the minefield

As with any other alpha or sigma seeming male online with an eye for the female, my a/c at Twitter gets hit by the unclad nubiles who follow hundreds and are followed by two or three - there are those who like the Philip Marlow type hardboiled, big-boobed, all flesh type but I’m bored wi’it, particularly when she DMs (direct messages) that she’s “delighted if I folow her”.

So I don’t. The next bunch though are quite clad, so the algorithm has learnt something about me … Pureblood likes his totty clad. What’s worse, Jimbo “folows” and suddenly there’s a DM:

… “folowed” by ways she plans to make me happy. Interestingly, I then get flooded by slightly different but the same message from Boris in Moscow, wanting me to “folow” her at this or that link.

Sometimes she’s real but you’d never go there, such as the US army gal I had to extricate myself from by telling my age. The whole thing’s a minefield, so when I see this:

… and she’s posting shots of her corner of North Yorks, then that’s someone safe to go near, esp. as she stipulates no DMs.  However, she has that number in her moniker and that concerns me. So I see she joined in 2015, which suggests that she had to be a certain age back then and anyway, how does she have the time to roam about North Yorks.  Farm wife?

One thing I notice is that there really are only a certain number of places in that neck of North Yorks she can take shots from and so they repeat. I like that and vastly prefer it to the professional photographers setting out their wares … she seems genuine, this lady. Another is Peaklass.

And this flows into the four shots of “wimmin” coming up just after midday today (it’s Friday, remember).  They’re interesting. One is “totty” that the slavering hordes of M25 bubble men wanted to drop her gear but she’s not that kinda gal and she had a breakdown, one is well known by film buffs and she was certainly up for it, the third is clearly up for it, the fourth is dressed demurely but the whole body language says experienced.

Of all of them, the one I’ve warmed to (in the upcoming post) is the one who hates being seen as totty and is now married to a baron, so she’s officially a Lady now.  

And it all had me thinking … at my own age now, there are things appropriate enough … but also things quite inappropriate.  And the last thing any man of age should be doing is slavering over young totty.  Sorry but it’s creepy.

Hence the changes to the “wimmin” post format. Might be more boring, boys, but there it is. Speaking of the chaps, three on my mind just now are Dearieme, Amfortas and haiku.

4.  MftWC too

Military situation in Bakhmut on March 30, 2023 (Map Update)

Russia Storms Central Bakhmut; Kiev, US in Denial; Zelensky Depressed; Putin Upbeat Econ; EU NatGas

US & NATO fallen into their Own Trap? - Judge Napolitano | Alastair Crooke

Former CIA officer urges US to make Zelensky drop claims on Crimea and Donbass

Saudi Arabia joins SCO. China & Brazil trade deal. UAE LNG in Yuan. Lavrov, NATO is fighting. U/1

Russia Ukraine China & US - a new puzzle - Judge Napolitano | Col. Doug Macgregor


  1. Re DJT's indictment

    (Dan) Scavino on Instagram:

    "The test of a man is how much he will bear
    For a cause which he knows to be right,
    How long will he stand in the depths of despair,
    How much will he suffer and fight?
    There are many to serve when the victory's near
    And few are the hurts to be borne,
    But it calls for a leader of courage to cheer
    The men in a battle forlorn.

    It's the way you hold out against odds that are great
    That proves what your courage is worth,
    It's the way that you stand to the bruises of fate
    That shows up your stature and girth.
    And victory's nothing but proof of your skill,
    Veneered with a glory that's thin,
    Unless it is proof of unfaltering will,
    And unless you have suffered to win."

    (Precedent set. Now do Clinton, Bush and Obummer)

    1. McCarthy's statement

  2. Replies
    1. Friedrich Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil


Comments need a moniker of your choosing before or after ... no moniker, not posted, sorry.