Saturday, January 28, 2023

Saturday [7 to 10]


10.  We were discussing bugs in our food

… so I screen shot these below:

9.  Cowardice or something else?

I’ll get to that in a while.  This is at OoL just now:

… and there is much at NOWP.  Right, I’ve just come upstairs and put the food away … from 1100 to 1302 … there’s a tale to tell. That time frame I spent downstairs in the semi-cold, admittedly well rugged up, so nothing dire.

This is a tale of our enemy. Not the globoWEF, it’s a different one, just as global, just as highly organised, they see this land as theirs. If I say that my new neighbours had to get out of Luton, the town is overrun, please don’t name this enemy, speak obliquely in your comments.

That’s why I ask about cowardice … I prefer to call it only fighting when our forces are sufficient to take on the worldwide organisation. Trouble is … they have the masses fooled. We’re more likely to take on globo wokerati plod than this lot … this lot will knofe you soon as look at you. The globo wokerati plod just beat you up and pepper spray grandmothers and girls.

The real question is … where is that hill on which you’ll make your last stand?  Until then, if we attack even one of them, the entire tribe is after you … see Luton again.

I do see the point, quite clearly, that if we continue to do this, we’re just taken over. The answer of course is only massive numbers, armed, on our side, with clear targets. I’m saying we choose our hill, we choose our time.

What the hell am I talking about?  I’m talking about the food delivery system which broke down with the driver.  The moment I saw the name … your driver is … usually Ralph, Colin, John, Sue, Rachel, Veronika, Boris but in this case, a name which does not come from Christendom so to speak, I saw trouble ahead.

The way it works is a map appears, with 4 stops to go, 3, 2, and then 1, I usually grab my packets and head down to the road. Max it’s ever been was 30 minutes wait, plus I get pinged.

As I say, it’s fine, give or take.  Not today … with 1 stop to go, I went down to the road and here I am again now. The p***k had switched off the position report, had done all his other deliveries, leaving mine till last … I saw the back of his car.  

My neighbour from the other side, a local lass, was with me and saw the whole thing, she saw him drive up in his Lexus, said to me, “Yep, they do that, that lot, drive those.”  I was not going to engage, other than saying I’d been waiting an hour and a half. He started this it was better for me to change the route …

All right, what sort of review am I going to leave?  It will be after lunch.

8.  IYE

Our “keep a close eye on, quite iffy” sources include that Reinhardt character, also Martin, Malone, Wolf and others, also TGP, less so The Expose blog.  Others … well we just don’t. 

One who’s starting the “aren’t I just so wonderful” shtick, look at me me me is Simone Gold.  Beware any woman (or man for that matter) always referring to him or herself as Doctor. Or anyone failing to call it THE Ukraine. The definite article is required.  My source is a Ukrainian Russian.


SWING and a MISS: Shoddy Forensics Causes Gateway Pundit to Embarrass Itself and Defame Marco Polo with Attempted Smear Tactics

Story is at NOWP.

7.  You know, from the inauspicious start to the day

… till now, things can change about astronomically. There’s this for a start:

… then the boys commenting, plus the lady, plus the washing dried and away, plus the food delivery, including a treat lunch coming up … well really, what do we have to complain about?  I mean … seriously?


  1. 10. Rapeseed oil - not fit for human consumption.

    .....mention is rarely made of the very toxic substance rapeseed oil also contains. Eruric acid. Not only does it irritate mucous membranes, but damages the myelin sheath around nerves and interferes with the use of Vitamin E by the body. This led to it being banned by the FDA in 1956 and the development of new strains of rape in the mid 1970’s with lower levels of eruric acid. ...

    While it was thought that the new forms of rape with their lower levels of eruric acid would not have the same health problems, unfortunately, this has not been the case. In addition to the concerns already mentioned above, the new strains have been linked to the weakening of blood vessels and cardiovascular disease; as well as to the development of amyloid plaques in the brain and Alzheimers Disease. More generally they have also been linked to Cancer, Diabetes and Obesity.

    And, finally, the cheaper forms of rapeseed oil found on supermarket shelves won’t be cold pressed; but a highly refined oil produced in a factory that relies on heat and chemicals to maximise its yield. In this process harmful transfats are also created which have also been linked to many health problems particularly cardiovascular disease. ...

    1. JH: Ta, think I’ll not buy them again, just the fillets. Shall scrape the crumb mix off before cooking. Shall drop the duck again.

    2. We really have to remain vigilant with the food labels these days. Them stick rapeseed/canola (called colza here) into everything, even organic products. Then we wonder why heart disease, Alzheimer's etc is on the increase. It is not accidental.

  2. Most vegetable oils are not suitable for human consumption, as they have been 'processed' at elevated temperatures which degrades them. Also, the ratio of omega3 to 6, etc is unfavourable and unhealthy. Olive oil, if cold-pressed, is fine, as are coconut oil or (organic) ghee - balanced oils complete with saturated fats, on which your body thrives.
    Low fat/high carbohydrate diets have been recommended for decades, but are now increasingly being held responsible for the obesity/diabetes epidemic in the West. Since rejecting this diet a few months ago in favour of a Keto/Paleo one I've lost weight (without trying at all), have had some minor but long-term health issues disappear, and have more energy. Try it!


Comments need a moniker of your choosing before or after ... no moniker, not posted, sorry.