Monday, January 30, 2023

Monday [4 to 6]

Morning all … grey and gloomy out there. (0758).

6.  Every issue of the kind

… started as “swivel-eyed loonery” according to “Rationalists” like Mann and Dawkins, those who always powergrab “Reason” to pooh-pooh whatever is going down by the psycho-crims.

Then a process ensues where others slowly kick in, data emerges and then we get to the deathjab situation right now, for example. Here’s another example:
# Operation Indigo Skyfold
# Barium salts, aluminum oxide, strontium, mercury among others

5.  Vox on Russia

What’s fascinating is that now RAND is rapidly backtracking on the idea of extending Russia, because the US attempts to extend Russia have turned out to extend the USA, its NATO proxies, the other European states, and Clown World itself. Remember what I said in the previous post about NATO needing to win fast? That’s why Rand wants to pull a Vietnam/Afghanistan, call it a win, and get the US military out of Eastern Europe as quickly as possible.

Russia has always done it the same way. The arrogance of the globo-warmongers is highly destructive, it’s never worked and the security of the buffer states depends on finding accommodation with Mother Russ.  End of.

4.  MftWC too

Military Situation in region of Donbass on January 29, 2023 (Map Update)

Col Douglas Macgregor: Ukraine & Russia Escalating War!

Ukraine - RAND Study Sees Risks In Prolonged War

RAND Think Tank Says Ukraine War No Longer Beneficial for J**ish “Double-Anal Agenda”

Iran drone strike. UK tank armour secret. Baerbock, Russia twisted my words. Liberate Canada. U/1

A Russian Victory in Ukraine Won't End the War

1 comment:

  1. The lucky Americans are getting the ground-up bugs already. Keep reading those labels before you buy!

    "Let’s talk about bug protein shall we? 🧵#EatZeeBugs"


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