Saturday, November 19, 2022

Saturday [2]


The Alumbrados, a mystical 16th-century Spanish sect, were among the societies that subsequently adopted the name illuminati. Later, the title of illuminati was used by a secret society founded by Adam Weishaupt, which aimed to combat religious thinking and encourage rationalism."

- Microsoft Encarta 2000

There exists in the world today, and has existed for thousands of years, a body of enlightened humans united in what might be termed, an Order of the Quest. It is composed of those whose intellectual and spiritual perceptions have revealed to them that civilization has secret destiny.

The outcome of this 'secret destiny' is a World Order ruled by a King with supernatural powers. This King was descended of a divine race; that is, he belonged to the Order of the Illumined for those who come to a state of wisdom then belong to a family of heroes-perfected human beings.'

- Manly P. Hall 33° Mason, The Secret Destiny of America

Whenever conspiracy theory is spouted, the mysterious "Illuminati" (along with the Bilderburgers, The Trilateral Commission, the Council of Foreign Relations, and others) are most often named as being responsible.

Ironically, however, while people can name those ostensibly belonging to the other conspiracy groups, the "Illuminati" is always left hanging as some secret, shadowy entity, which no one can quite describe.

Interestingly too, no one can quite identify what specific acts can be attributed to them - and no one in 225 years seems to have left the organization to reveal its secrets.

- Edward L. King

Technically, an Illuminatus is a Master Mason who has received all the "light" Masonry can bestow.

All of these paths eventually lead the initiate into a belief system that he is privileged and chosen to carry on the 'Great Work' or The Plan, that he is above the rest of humanity, he has become 'Illumined'. 

Therefore imposed rule is a 'right'. The ONLY allegiance is to the 'Light'. It is no coincidence that Illuminati, in its literal translation means 'bearers of light' - Lumen, derived from Lucifer, 'angel of light'. 

- Ruben ben Abraham

Now, just a note before going any further.  This was gathered around 2003, in Russia, before I was even blogging, in the first days of my internetting, it was put on stick and there was no annotation at that time, e.g. dates, but I can say they were pre-2003.  One coming up we know was in the year 2000.

Enforcing secrecy within the  Illuminati was done in the same manner as in the Greek Mystery Schools    and    Super-Masonic    Organizations.    The candidates   were   required   to   confess   compromising information about themselves i.e., sexual indiscretions, and previously hidden criminal behaviour, as if he were confessing his sins to a Catholic priest. 

This reminds one of the rites conducted in another secret society of fame, namely, the Order of the Skull and Bones. There's plenty of evidence to suggest the orders are one and the same, or at least the modern version of Weishaupt's order.'

- Terry Melanson

Shades of Epstein Island and Washington parties, yes?  The compromising is a vital aspect and thus it's quite understandable why key figures in society, e.g. pollies, live in fear of exposure ... and of physical harm, ruin, family threatened, dead easy to do ... at some stage look up 'suicides' and 'boston brakes'.

This is partly how Sunpak can subscribe to the things he's told to - to hell with the people of the country.  The other reason is unbridled ambition - the notion that you yourself can make such a huge difference.  Which of course is bollox, kabuki theatre, matrix.

When the great international convention of Freemasons was held at Wilhelmsbad (16 July to 29 August, 1782) the "Illuminated Freemasonry", which Knigge and Weishaupt now proclaimed to be the only "pure" Freemasonry, had already gained such a reputation that almost all the members of the convention clamoured for admission into the new institution.

Moreover, in 1783 the anarchistic tendencies of the order provoked public denunciations which led, in 1784, to interference on the part of the Bavarian Government. As the activity of the Illuminati still continued, four successive enactments were issued against them (22 June, 1784; 2 March, and 16 August, 1785; and 16 August, 1787), in the last of which recruiting for the order was forbidden under penalty of death.

[All] official organs, the press, schools, seminaries, cathedral chapters (hence, too, all appointments to sees, pulpits, and chairs) were to be brought as far as possible under the influence of the organization, and princes themselves were to be surrounded by a legion of enlightened men, in order not only to disarm their opposition, but also to compel their energetic co-operation.
A complete transformation would thus be effected; public opinion would be controlled; "priests and princes" would find their hands tied; the marplots who ventured to interfere would repent their temerity; and the order would become an object of dread to all its enemies.

- Catholic Encyclopaedia

That last was an interesting one because there is an ongoing war between Masonry and the Church, within the Church (see P2, Vatican Bank etc).  Never within Masonry because that is too closely controlled.

The whole body of the Royal and Sacerdotal Art was hidden so carefully centuries since, in the High degrees, as that it is even yet possible to solve many of the enigmas which they contain.
It is well enough for the mass of those called Masons, to imagine that all is contained in the Blue Degrees; and whoso attempts to undeceive them will labour in vain and without any true reward, violate his obligations as an adept. Masonry is a Sphinx, buried to the head in the sands heaped around it by the ages."

- Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma, p. 819

This could go on for a hundred pages and still not encompass the whole vista of human activity over these few hundred years. Suffice it to say that the Queen was right about the dark forces which control from the shadows.  Churchill was right too in his references to the French Revolution and the anarchists of his day.  We have our Sandy Hook etc.

Read some Alinsky and you'll see the sort of malcontents who influence the people who control us. It's the big payback on us but even that is only part of the story.

These have all been part of it:

John Jacob Astor, Irving Berlin, Luther Burbank, Henry Clay, Thomas  E.   Dewey,   Henry  Ford,   Barry  Goldwater, Samuel Compers, J. Edgar Hoover, Charles Lindbergh, General Douglas McArthur, Andrew Mellon, General John J. Pershing, Will Rogers, Sigmund Romberg, John Philip  Sousa,  Mark Twain,  Chief Justice  Earl Warren, George Bush, Prescott Sheldon Bush, George W. Bush (George Bush's father), John Kerry, David Boren, William F. Buckley, Henry Sloane Coffin Sr. and Jr., Henry Luce, Henry Lewis Stimson, William Howard Taft, McGeorge Bundy, Archibald MacLeish, Presidents: Washington, Buchanan, Garfield, Harding, Jackson, Johnson, McKinley, Monroe, Polk, the Roosevelts, Taft, Truman [list stops as it's an old article], J. Edger Hoover ... 

Another snippet:

The Nobel Peace Prize was founded in the name of Alfred Nobel and its recipients include Henry Kissinger. It is mere coincidence that the ethnic conflict between the Hutsis and Tutsis in Rwanda and Burundi broke out shortly after a 'diplomatic' mission to Rwanda by Henry Kissinger and Lord Carrington.

How about this:

Kissinger Associates founding director is Lord Carrington, member of The Royal Institute of International Affairs based in London, The Bilderberg Group, whose aim is a federated Europe, and the Trilateral Commission, which has been instrumental in creating NAFTA, the EU, and APEC, was integrally involved in helping solve the Bosnian Kosova problem, which somehow got out of hand. 

Remember that these are very old articles.  Enough for part two.  Part three coming up.

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