Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Wednesday [1 and 2]

First light as I write.  N1 gets the ball rolling, n2 stops the ball and examines it in gruesome detail, heavily criticising everything about it.  

But first ... Cheney ignobly crushed ... good.  Eggsellent.

2.  Peter Navarro and other topics

DAD yesterday, at NOWP, ran this:

“Jared Kushner did more damage to the presidency and the Trump agenda during his four year reign of error at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue than anyone”, according to Peter Navarro. (Peter Navarro is the former Assistant to the President for Trade and Manufacturing Policy).

As will be apparent once you explore, he was far more than that, he was pushing Trump policy in the right direction, as his base would have wanted.  Feisty man, note this:

He most certainly does not appreciate Javanka but you can see that for yourself.  That's another post and yet it was the one I wished to open with ... until Andy sent one which I'm going to painstakingly deconstruct.  

The reason for the 'painstakingly' is ... not only are hostile elements ready to pounce on any perceived 'ism', confirming how 'far right' I am [and I'm not supplying the ammunition] ... but there's a chance that some close to me will misunderstand as well.  That's the worrying bit.

Don't know but stranger things happen these days.  And splitting allies is what the game is all about from those cunning bstds doing it.  Peter Navarro, for a start, is a classic case of a former ally now having burnt his bridges.  My stance on him is that he's correct and Donny really does need to stop and take stock.  But as just mentioned, that's another post.

Right, to business.  Take a look at Andy's comment:

The theme through the rest of this Wed 2 now is how easily we are induced to accept a fait accompli and instead of looking at yet more reinforcement of false Wokery, we instead look past the subliminal Wokery and focus on the elements the advertiser wants.  If every second of every media day goes like this, the theory is that, eventually, people will just tacitly accept the required culture shift the enemy wants and they've won.  Not me, chums, not me.

Andy shows two adverts and they are, IMHO, the very worst type of Wokery, about as funny as a funeral, which clearly is the opposite of what dear Andy found and what the advertisers intended.  

Therefore, you can see the potential seeds of discord right there unless I painstakingly explain.  

What's the nub of my objection, my core beef about the Paddy Power ads?  It's this:

Ads are all about image, inc. sublimal image and one of the most vital elements in their 20 seconds is the opening shot.  Just that, before even getting into the footage.  

In the first ad, that opening shot immediately had me groaning, 'The obligatory black man, white woman.'  Every effing ad today has effing black man, white woman ... they push and push and push and push it and then push it some more. I'm sick to effing death of the whole effing thing!!!

Oi, that sounds a bit racist dunnit?  

Whoever's going to see what I'm getting at?  Only close people who know me better than that.  Only those who know that in the 80s and 90s, two of my mates were black and in one incident, one of them and I were on a bus for Lewisham, we got off and there were five or six black yoofs about to have a go at me but they were puzzled by my mate, a largish, strong chap if ever there was one.  Those yoofs shut up and let it go.

As we headed for Burger King, so many regular residents of twenty, thirty years, white, looked across, puzzled.  Now if you were on my case that day, observing what a ngr lover I was, they'd have had that view further reinforced by the music we were playing, much of it two tone ska ... Specials, Selecter, the Beat, that sort of thing.  

And if they'd followed me all the way down to 2022, they'd see black jazz, a lot of ska and reggae on this site, even South African township music.

So how on earth could they reconcile my statement about 'the obligatory black man, white woman' with my history?  

They could not, unless they also knew of the current campaign of out-and-out Wokery going on, pushing interracial sex.  It's the campaign itself, NOT the subject matter.  It's the Fs behind the advert that I'm focused on - the go Woke, go broke corps, because no way would I ever use Paddy Power now or watch any ad by them, ever again.

And that's before even watching the ad.  So let's review that first ad.  Black woman across the counter, calm and clever, black man behind the white woman at the door to the shop, goodnatured, not in the least armed, ready to hold up the shop, not in the least ready to gangrape the white woman, loot or riot.  Some might say it's even progress making the woman the klutz for once, not a white man ... sick sort of progress that is.

And I'm going to compound my 'crime' now by saying that where I live, I'm in far greater danger of being mugged by locals than by any death cult or black knife wielders.  The whole advert is pointless, it's highly politicised imagery, utter Wokery ... and if I'm oversensitive to that, then why am I oversensitive?  

Certainly not via my history, my round the world journey and back ... by the way, I had a Jewish gf and at another time, a Muslim girl ... if I'm over-emphasising all this, then you can shirley see why.

It's not that black guy himself in the opening Paddy Power shot, it's the bstd producing and directing that advert, whoever it is.  It's the whole globo-Woke campaign, all of it ... the whole effing lot of that c**p.  I join Peter Navarro in saying they can all just F off.

Ok, what about the second ad?  Different, not interracial sex this time but incest between an effeminate yoof and his potential M-i-Law.  I want to know wtf that daughter was even doing considering that limp wristed specimen as a hubby?  

And the astounding thing is that they even have a father figure in the ad to be shocked.  Should it not be a fatherless home as usual?

Grrrrrrrrr!  I'm not interested in Wokery, either overt or slyly slipped in, none on't you understand?

I'm also going to say that I'm quite appreciative of Andy for posting it.  Without that comment at NOWP, I'd not have had the material to bore you for ten minutes now.  So cheers for that.

1.  Evets 1

a.  Clanet Povid (Divide the Number of Doses by 1k Edition):

Ballpark Estimate: Covid Injections Have Killed 5 to 12 million People Worldwide

b.  ICAN-Obtained Data Reveals More Evidence Of Death Spike

c.  CDC confesses it Lied about dangers of Covid vaccines to protect Big Pharma

d.  A Deeper Dive on CDC’s Exit Strategy

e.  Newborns Having Strokes, Heatwaves & Floods & NHS Waiting Times Guaranteed To Finish You Off

f.  Medical Professionals who Refuse to Participate with Hospitals Killing Patients Start Providing Alternative Health Services Through Private Membership Associations

1 comment:

  1. One who knows (legiron) on the futility of eating bugs:


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