Sunday, August 07, 2022

Sunday [1 to 4]

Pre-dawn [3 a.m.].  In this post, your humble blogger tackles some frustrating conundrums.

4.  The question of monikers

Toodles rightly questions, whilst adding the caveat that “it’s my blog”, why I’m allowing through Anon or Unknown without moniker when the request is clearly stated in the sidebar:

Yes it is stated, but not upfront, it appears below the comments gadget itself, which I’ve elongated in order to contain more comments.  In other words, it appears outside the initial window you see when you click into the site.  A reader is going to see the main content, the sidebar image if any, the comments in their abbreviated form.

The decision then is - to constantly run the request in the sidebar in the home button and image area … or to just run it below comments?  Regulars don’t need it slap bang in the eyes every single click into the site and my prime loyalty is to these regulars, even though they slip up now and then or have good reason to.

Well why have this pesky request in the first place?  As it states, it’s a courtesy request so that readers can see who is saying what.  No pack drill, no personal details, just an invented or real moniker as you wish, just as a courtesy to other readers.

Well why even bother, when OoL doesn’t?  Answer is that N.O. is under far more intense and hostile scrutiny than OoL, just as Julia’s own site and Twitter a/c are.  In short, we’re in the constant firing line, not unlike Taiwan’s western defences, at the more provocative sites.

Now, imagine I had to go through that explanatory rigmsrole every single time a reader clicked in?  I detest pop-ups or taking readers away from the front page unless they choose to follow a link, which almost always takes them to a new tab.

And I come back to our regulars being my first priority at all times.  Why should the Phantom or Steve or all the chaps and our one girl commenter have to abide by this when others just waltz in and ignore it?

To answer that, I need to point out that the request is in the sidebar, under comments etc. …….

You see the issue.  I do NOT wish to police this, so the occasional lapse or a new commenter not knowing … we can live with.  But as I wrote in the reply to Toodles … yes, I do need to mention it and shall … Sunday morning.  But it also needs as light a touch as poss.

Why mention it at all?  Because I needed to show willing to our regulars, so they can see that they are considered, that I am aware if the difficulty of it all … 24/7.  Weeellllll, maybe 19/7.

3.  Why does China not invade?

Indian TV says, on Gab, in short: firstly allies US and Japan, then 128km strait at narrowest, advanced weaponry, cities spread out, western edge riverine, no optimum beachheads, many armed small islands. China cannot just take over, it would have to indiscriminately destroy, an issue Russia is also facing.

As just alluded to, dug-in defences is also the story in Donestsk, Mariupol etc.  Trouble is there are only propagandised reports coming out and it’s difficult to establish the truth … neither side is invested in the real situation going public, it’s militarily sensitive.  

Our sympathies here are clear but that’s not to say our sympathies are not primarily for the poor civilians in that region … they are.  Any bloodshed is horrific.

2.  Phantom Digger

Sat 16. Just an ugly rumour.... (and if you don't get it then you weren't meant to) Anyhoo. In the title:

Those arguments ramble on on Rumble, Steve Bannon never gets to the point quickly. Also, Josh Phillips’s is consistently the Jewish argument … but which Jewish?  The corporate of course, so this thing is by no means clearcut, even though it seems to align with our view … you need to know the sides here and that involves knowing Jewish history and for that, in English, various bible books, e.g. the KJV, are the only possible source for us, whereas in non-English, the literature is vast.

In other words, this is quicksand for the casual reader, and thus … glib, cut and dried arguments don’t wash, even within Judaism and Zionism.  For a Christian take, you’d need someone thoroughly versed in the scriptures, such as an Arnold Murray or John Macarthur.  

There are no easy ways out here because all is propagandised for the side presenting it.

Now to Rumble.  Ggl is locked into mortal battle with them, therefore there are tech issues presenting Rumble on a Ggl/Blgr platform, plus it’s javascript, not the usual iframe, which means the video takes over the entire horizontal space from edge to edge.  

I spend much time on every single video and still image posted … going extra large, then I manually pull back corners to reduce and create margins. Every single graphic on this site.

This Rumble report of Bannon’s rides roughshod over my settings and says to me, the admin … what you get is what you get.  

I say to them … stuff you, get knotted.  You’re not dictating to me, Rumble, how something appears on the site.  So you see, it’s not just my own proclivities at issue, it’s very much a woven in tech matter.

Yes, Jimbo, might say Ripper for example … but why don’t you just convert to iframe, it’s doable.  I say effing why should I go to those lengths because of a private war between Rumble and Ggl?  The time and effort don’t justify it, esp. when the url instantly takes you to the Rumble site anyway.

The danger is that any of our boys sending Rumble and/or Bannon may not have known all this and might take it personally.  I assure them, it’s not personal, it’s technical and there is also the barrier of Apple and Microsoft weighing in … each of those makes it difficult to run the other smoothly.

How on earth could a reader know of all these issues, unless I state them?  Answer is he can’t, unless he can access this Sunday 2 and 3 explanation.

1.  Evets 1

a.  Clanet Povid (Mea Culpa):

A Shift Is Happening

b.  The Steve Kirsch debate about the existence of the virus

c.  Oh Australis! Prep For The Next Reign Of Fear

d.  US Declares Monkeypox Public Health Emergency – Big Pharma Ready for Windfall Profits, Again

e.  While you were distracted by Boris resigning the UK Government quietly confirmed COVID Vaccinated Children are 4423 per cent more likely to die of any cause & 13,633 per cent more likely to die of COVID-19 than Unvaccinated Children

f.  Expect Insurance Companies to sue Vaccine Manufacturers to cover pay-outs for explosion of early unexpected Mortality Claims


  1. 2 - Just making a point and offering personal viewpoints here, I do remember once advocating the iframe method to you, but that was in order to try helping out when you were having some difficulty in embedding. As I've always said, plain links are great, they take readers straight to the source whilst being no problem to implement and keeping this site lean. If your code opens them in a new tab, then readers don't even have to leave this site. Personally I don't mind links at all and can't understand why bloggers in general feel the need to run video content 'locally'. But then, I've never ran a blog and don't know what it entails.

    A slightly bigger concern, from my own perspective, is the posting of jpegs showing article headlines with no links. This, IMO is futile because the reader has no way to read the article for themselves, short of using a search engine. Yet it is easy to create a pictorial link which takes the reader straight to the article (again, opening a fresh tab) when the jpeg is clicked on.

    Back to the subject of videos, I'm reminded to mention a glitch, probably down to Youtube which no one seems to notice. That is, when a Youtube video is embedded and the iframe is too small (below a certain size on the page, don't know the threshold), the volume control is not accessible. Since I can be around/active in the early hours or very early morning, its a bit inconvenient for my neighbours. If I play one of these videos, and it starts to blast out at 100% volume, I then have to go full screen to get the volume control and turn it down, or risk the cowards next door finger wagging at my daughter to 'sort me out', since they are not brave enough to face me themselves. I'm already swamped with complaints about machine tools.

    1. Yes, I do confess to being deeply ignorant about what its like on your end of running the blog. However, if I can help with anything you know I will.

      One possible solution to the link problem might be to use an independent third party for the actual links - I'm aware that you already do this kind of thing regarding comments at 'tother place, but what about this idea:

      Use a simple text file 'drop box' style sharing site such as where you can upload up to 2 gigs free. That's a lot of links. You could then number each link or group of links sent to you by readers. On the blog then, no matter if pictorial or text, your link shown on the blog would always point to the entry. So no actual links would be on the blog itself, just a pointer to the text file with the link's index number. When you reach the 2gig limit just delete and start a new file/s. PD and Steve could also be given access to add to or edit these files. Again, just an idea.

      With Youtube, yes the control panel pops up with hover, however when the window (iframe) is below a certain size, there is no volume control. This is problematic for me because when it happens, either through a moment of forgetfulness or if I've misjudged the window size, I have to be quick to stem the volume. I don't use a tablet, just a desktop PC. I have volume keys on the keyboard but these are not as quick as clicking on the volume bar. I believe that its not a glitch as I said previously but a matter of screen real estate - if the window is too small, there just isn't the space available for the volume control. If those at Youtube had any spark of intelligence, they would integrate the volume bar (vertically) with the mute icon. That way, the volume bar pops up on hover from the mute button and the size of the window doesn't matter.

      Regarding the embedding of Rumble videos, I'm sure you are aware that below the video on Rumble there is an embed button. This, when clicked on gives not only the Javascript code, but the iframe url below it. You control the size of the iframe in your page code. But then, as you said, its equally easy just to post the plain text link. I'm just pointing out to you here, that Rumble isn't trying to dictate how your page is displayed. The iframe is nothing more than a portal, a tunnel to the video, and uses Rumble's player so that the video can be played without the need to leave your page.

  2. Now now I was not tattling on the new commenter. Am glad to hear from another person with a brain. All our regulars as well as the occasionals, but who have been around for ages are the best ever and certainly they are aware how valued they are. It is a concern when they go mute for a sometimes. What a lift when they return.

    New kid on the scene is excused with no moniker...for a little while😉!

    James, you blog and your rules. You may bend this way and that if you want. I was just giving you the business, don'tchaknow?

  3. Toodles.
    That was I, Toodles, commenting about commenting. The deallybob in the commenting area has been automatically putting in 'Toodles' for a while. So why has it changed for goodness sakes alive?

    1. Why has it changed? It needs a post for both you and Ripper, PD is already aware what’s happening - dynamic boxing. Post coming.

  4. 2. Reason I posted that was not to hear Bannon waffle as, no offence to our friends across the pond, there are a few commenters whose delivery is somewhat slow, imho, so I play their vids at 1.5x normal speed. What I found interesting due to my lack of knowledge on the doings in China was what Joshua said i.e. that Xi wan't in control of all of China as there are some powerful families fighting amongst themselves for control. I thought the CCP were "it".

    1. All good, post coming up, some doings first here RL 30 mins, post soon.

    2. Powerful families … I’ll say … you and I looked at that I think when we did Aum Shin … or was that before you? Anyway, yes … families in Japan too. Europe, Boston etc.

    3. Weren't me Guv! Before my time.

      I haven't paid much attention to the Asian families probably because of the likes of Bend-ja-mind Ful-fraud and his decades long blathering about the Dragon family and how they love us all and are going to make us all rich when they release all their gold reserves to the World, which will probably be next week..... or the week after that..... or maybe in time for Thanksgiving.... or Christmas 2050.

  5. Toodles~

    Whateva!!! Dynamic are I!

  6. 1. b
    Looks like that was a response to this challenge.

    Q. Where is Kirsch getting this kind of money from? Hmmmm


Comments need a moniker of your choosing before or after ... no moniker, not posted, sorry.