Monday, August 15, 2022

Monday [4 to 8]

Morning all.

8.  Evets 2

a.  Clanet Povid cont.

A COVID Silver Lining? More Parents Than Ever Questioning ‘Routine’ Childhood Vaccines

b.  Australian Government is Put on Notice by Medical Professionals

c.  War on humanity update: major cock-ups by the so-called “Elite” hasten its demise

d.  Justice Won’t Come From Our “Legal” System. It Will Come From “The Collective Masses”

Evets 4

7.  DAD


If you want to slow the traffic don't install a Radar - erect a statue to the Virgin.
Near Alençon, in Saint-Paterne, he installs a statue of the Blessed Virgin: the cars slow down.

“I live on a road where the bends are numerous and dangerous. Cars are speeding and, curiously, some motorists are slowing down in front of my house. A pledge of security, perhaps? »

6.  Daily Sceptic

The fear-mongering mainstream media lapped up the recent claim that the Arctic was warming four times faster than the rest of the planet. The Financial Timescalled it the “climate graph of the week”, while the New York Times detected the “definitive sign of climate change”, noting it was higher than the two or three times commonly reported in the past. The Guardian didn’t allow strict accuracy to get in the way, claiming the new data revealed “extraordinary global heating” in the Arctic.

All highly implausible, needless to say. As always, it depends what temperature databases you consult, or don’t consult, how you work out the averages, and what years you pick to produce your final figures. Interestingly, the BBC didn’t take the headline bait.
5.  Snippets in passing

a.  The MSM is putting out that Anna H [Ellen Degenerate] was just taken off life support nine days after the event, which explains away the attempted escape from the body bag. Also look at Chester Bennington and Chris Cornell.

b.  Rushdie is on ventilator.  Also, what possesses a man to do what his attacker did?  See Mon 4 for the answer.

4.  Moral pigmyism

I saw a meme about the sheer, utterly morally bereft, organising ability of some people … there were many versions, this is a shortened form, it goes a bit this way:

Runt of a boy wants girl to marry him, he has nothing, goes to her, is rejected, says what, not even if I’m the deputy boss at the local boutique chain and … well … you know, you like your hair done.  She says yes.

Goes to the father and repeats, he’s impressed, daughter wants, says yes.  Runt goes to the local boutique chain … and so it goes, you know the score.  So, he wins it all … long ago, there was a film like this.  Initiative?  For sure.  Ambition?  Soaring.  One of the doers and winners, never one of the mopers and navel gazers on benefits and drugs … what’s not to like?

The meme poster then gets to the point, the punchline … that that’s how politics works … graft and mediocrities astute enough to lie and cheat to the top, to sleep with them.

How far though is that to be admired?  The Henry Ford, the steel baron with the cigar in the mouth … etc.?  There was a photo today of Obama standing very close to Rice as if she’s the only person in the world, she’s besotted … the Pres actually lives me, wants me?

And we know what she’s doing right now … she’scwith him at Martha’s Vineyard, poring over Trump docs and Melania’s underwear.

Now, good reader, do you see zero moral ambiguity in any of the above … Obama and the runt are winners, they run the world, it’s in sage hands?  Or do you pause and think that through?  If you would not show ‘initiative’, are you a perennial loser … or are you something far higher and Obama and the runt are nothing but dust in the wind?


  1. 5. And they are donating her organs. No fire damage then.

  2. Project Blue Beam

    (Play the vid)

  3. Lots of background info, imho. Good refresher of where we are now.


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