Thursday, August 18, 2022


Brief interlude before getting back to the horrors and there are horrors coming next post, sorry to say.

For now, this is more fun. I’ve just bought three rugs/mats - one hallway runner, one kitchen rug, not mat, and the same design as a mat just outside the kitchen door.

The first three below were which to decide between as the hallway runner.

The shaggy would have been nice in winter in the hallway but not hardwearing, plus the colour did not go with the cream coloured rugs I have now.  The ornate is too busy for mine, the plainer design was longer and was the last one, supposedly.  

So it’s the first one in my hall.

This below is both the kitchen rug and outside kitchen mat.  Extra hardwearing, hooverable, washable.

Any projects you’re currently up to?


  1. Similar to your rug project, I looked at rugs to place in front of my stove. Some were too expensive to catch the inevitable little burns, others didn't look right. I'm going to buy a strip of leather or cowhide (how unwoke can I get?). It will be hard wearing and look good.

  2. The one in the last pic is by far the most practical. I have several knocking around the house in different sizes, the biggest being a garage mat in the bathroom. Very tough, dirt resistant and washable, being on a neoprene backing, waterproof as well. To clean them I simply take them outside and jet wash and they drip dry very quickly.

    Projects - how many do you want to know about?

  3. One very minor project, we are looking for a cheap and practical candle holder for the coming winter. We already have the candles.

    1. We've got a couple that were sold off from a church.

  4. Cutting logs for the winter. I will send a photograph in a week, or so.

    P.S. I was a Boy Scout and remember "Be Prepared".

  5. Andy, great. Ripper, well yes, we know of a few. AKH … you Toodles and me. My solution is three 6 inch square walnus boxes, open at one end. One lies on its side, holding matches. The one above, upright, holds my two candlesticks, a third box, upright backs up to the matches container but upright, holds the spare candles. Same design box throughout the place as mini planter boxes, I’ll drill holes and make bases.

    1. DAD ... cut dem logs! Dearieme, we're coming down to nick em.

    2. Many years ago, before all this energy crisis got moving, I bought 300 tea candles at a giveaway price. Somehow even then it didn't take a Nostradamus to see where we are going. All mum's candles were liberated when we cleared the house. With all of those and my stove I'll be ok, I hope. One thing which is needed is a small ten inch Dutch oven to cook in or on the stove.

  6. The lady of the house has made a stash of candles so we're ready for whatever this winter. Bought some brass candle sticks for 1€ each at the local charily shop.
    Currently decluttering the homestead, replacing whatever needs replacing with the best we can afford. Many trips to the tip/charity shop are ensuing. Surprising how much tat has accumulated over the years even though we declutter often. If it hasn't been used in 12 months or if we had forgotten about it then we obviously don't need it so out it goes. Very satisfying!

    Recently bought an exterior rug for the kitchen. Supposed to put them on patios though why beats me. It can be hosed down with a pressure washer if necessary so good for any accidents either canine or human.

  7. Pointing back chimney, replacing front guttering. Completed in last month; redecorate front bedroom, redecorate kitchen. Thinking about where to run the cables for the 'upgraded' internet, which Talk Talk want to install for 'free' without so much as a by-your-leave, without ruining the recent redecoration. Mrs. Root; crocheting many blankets for the bleak winter ahead.

  8. Twisted Root commented as Anon. Oops.

  9. Toodles~
    It seems we are all nesting. I am doing much the same as all of you, except for chopping wood and getting cable.

    James, your batch pad is looking gooooooooood! Are you throwing a big ole shindig or what?

    Suppose after being forced into hibernation for so long by the 'rulers of this present darkness' it is nice to restraw one's nest.

    1. Awww shucks. Something coming up on Toodles tomorrow morning by the way.


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