Sunday, August 21, 2022

Genesis of computer literacy => world awareness


This post is not the lifelog of a budding techie who now works in or is retiring from the industry … it’s the computer lifelog of a bog standard amateur who had a brief advantage in the 80s and 90s … but did not really capitalise on it until 2001.

What was I doing in the early days?  Buying a house, building workshops, decks, box corrall fences, sailing.  Computer literacy came, to a degree, via education - BBC Micro, Apple IIe, BASIC, sending turtles around a computer room.  Circa?  Maybe 1980/81.

In 1984 came the Macintosh and my first purchase was much later … the 512Ked, plus printer … which gives away that I’ve hardly advanced beyond word processing since then … I’m still engaged in that at this very second.

Dabbled in IBM briefly, thought it non user-friendly, never bothered after that.  2001 saw me buy my first system, not Mac, with all the bells and whistles and internet connectivity, about the time Russians were also discovering this, so it was a rebirth so to speak.

Things started appearing on the net, unregulated, from sites like Rense, Henry Makow and this soon burgeoned into countless sites, very loud and garish … Icke, Yallop … then appeared the ‘kibosh’ sites as I call them … slick, industry or govt driven, pushing the WTC7 all fire myth … and they did it well … fooled millions.  At the same time, the story of McMartin preschool came out, Franklin, Gary Webb … and so on.

Politically, having shifted, with maturity, from radical leftism to conservative libertarianism over the decades, I was only briefly a young conservative hooray henry, giving pool parties, I’d been a scrutineer both for Labour and Tories, also for city mayors, only ever a paid up member of one party - the Conservative and Unionist, though I’d certainly been an RH Tawney type Fabian for a long time.  GB Shaw.  For some reason, until Tim Worstall, I ‘d never even heard of Ayn Rand, Karl Popper, Adam Smith.  I knew of Cato.

All that’s too much information.  When did I, not start [2003], but maybe come of age, politically?  Definitely in 2007 when I started warning of Darpa, Chatham House, Demos, Tavistock, the Knights Templar, Facebook.  There was a site Above Top Secret which had some wild things go up but also some morsels of truth. At the same time, I was advocating a hereditary, not elected, House of Lords, mainly to try to stop Blair, rather than out of any love of the Lords.

When the current, completely partyless and anti-party position?  Maybe 2017/18.



  1. 1997 when Gaddafi said that a certain "royal" had been assassinated and he knew this from intel intercepts by his spooks. Early Sept as I recall.

    It is alleged ATS was set up by the alphabets. There was another forum similar to that whose name I can't recall with the same people behind it. Also Beforeitsnews has similar origins and is still full of disinfo.

    There was EducateYourself too which is still around.

  2. The forum I couldn't recall a moment ago is Godlike Productions. Says it all really...

  3. Your journey was similar to mine James. Just a slightly different timeline. I believe we have both arrived at the same point as of now. As we journey on I don't see our paths diverging very much.

  4. Sounds similar although I was never a radical leftie, the behaviour of lefty anarchists/hippies in 67 & 68 was too unpleasant, I was more a liberal, but being on the local council for a while as part of a non-aligned local ratepayers assn and seeing their dishonesty made me re-evaluate, I guess I'm a small 'c' conservative libertarian. I was once computer literate but tried and hated teaching so changed to research support and during work hours went from digital equipment design via programming, mainly stats and data manipulation, then into user support on web teaching systems.. Mostly all forgotten, nobody messes with machine code, assembler and low level languages now. In my own time I have renovated a few houses to move up the ladder, rebuilt a couple of classic cars and done God knows how much DIY. It was the combination of my stats programming and research methods experience with the early Global Warming crap that alerted me that we were being lied to and manipulated, although at the time it wasn't clear why. I have been watching since and of course now we know why, it was and is the opening salvo and now propaganda backdrop to the reset.


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