Monday, July 11, 2022

The inversion of science

Any bible reader from vaguely KJV onwards until the mid 1950s knew what satanic meant in relation, not just to the living entity but to the concept of everything turned on its head, calling black white, male female ... this was always the motif.

And here it is yet again:

“Today’s scientists have substituted mathematics for experiments, and they wander off through equation after equation, and eventually build a structure which has no relation to reality.”

  • Nikola Tesla

“One of the most depressing things about the last two years has been how silent almost the entire academic community of statisticians/mathematicians has been in the face of so many obviously flawed statistics/studies that promote the ‘official narrative’ on Covid and the vaxx.”

  • Professor Norman Fenton
The obvious question for any who've seen a Cyrus, Minaj, Swift or similar video is just how much will it take to understand what's going down?


  1. Briggs is always writing against computer modelling. He often emphasises that Models only tell us what we want them to say.
    Often, when the observed results differ from the output of the model, it is the observed results are 'harmonised', rather than the model changed.
    In computer terms GIGO; garbage in; garbage out. A prize example is in Global Warming programmes where it is too difficult to give accurate input conditions for clouds (they are too chaotic) and so they are ignored or a 'guesstimate' used.


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