Tuesday, July 19, 2022

A most dangerous game

No year but all were roughly 1996 to 2000 

WM: Do you have memories of your mother being involved ... as well? 

BT: Yes. I have memories of my mother being tortured and traumatized in ... rituals that were done at some churches that we went to at night. I know that she was programmed in a sophisticated way in order to deliver me off in time to the airport late at night or early in the morning when I was being used internationally, and with high level leaders in our government and with entertainers and she doesn't remember any of that. 

However to this day she has trouble driving to the airport and doesn't understand why it is so frightening for her. Those are the kind of indications to me that she really knows but she can't remember, because of programming. 

WM: Has she attempted to get help for herself? 

BT: My Mom did, and my Mom is nearly 80 years old. She said to me "I am afraid I will come apart and I won't be able to function", because she watched me become severely dysfunctional to where I couldn't even take care of myself or anybody else in order to heal. She said she felt her greatest help would be able to help me financially and to be able to be there with my children, who I am not able to have much contact with at this point. 

WM: When you were a child, did you attempt to tell anybody about the abuses, or were you even somewhat aware? 

BT: It's interesting that you ask that W, because when I was deprogramming and reintegrating, I had a lot of memories, and one of the specific ones that I had explains this. I had a personality in elementary school that was programmed to do child pornography and the way it was done was that I was taken out of my classroom at school in order to be taken to what they called "choir practice". 

My church was very close locally, so they would take me out of class to be taken to the choir director's home to practice "choir" during schooltime. What ended up happening was that once we got there, and put on our choir robes, the whole thing turned and changed, and we stopped singing. And we went downstairs in the basement to be filmed in pornography and all sorts of rituals, filmed with all sorts of equipment. 

Then one day by the time I was taken back to school with the other children, I had for some reason not switched out of that personality. I went to the school principal's office and I told her that this had happened and I was talking in all these terms with sexual language and things that she found very distasteful, and I remember her shaking her finger at me and saying, "stop talking like this, this is disgusting, children shouldn't be speaking like this". 

Yes, I did attempt to tell and whether this woman, the principal, was herself programmed ... I have since learned from my own experience that often times there will be a whole web of people in a community - the professionals, the educational system, the church system - and everyone in that community will be programmed and have been ritually abused and they attend rituals at night without even knowing it in an attempt to keep the whole community traumatized and programmed. So, yes I did try to tell. It took until very late on in my life for people to start listening. 

WM: Where did you grow up? 

BT: I grew up in California in Woodland Hills - it was southern California - about 20 minutes inland from Malibu. 


BT: I think there are people they have in positions of power, not only in the military but in political and religious circles who are themselves under mind control and can be used as puppets to do whatever they are instructed to do from higher up levels. People think that we elect our presidents and I have sat with the people who planned who the presidents were going to be and groomed them, and told them what to do, and what to say, and how to say it, and when to say it, and when not to. And I delivered all kinds of messages of instructions to presidents and world leaders about what to do and what not to do. 

I watched as people who were good people and weren't involved were manipulated, brainwashed and controlled by persons like myself who were programmed, dressed in jewels and beautiful clothes, with all the fancy and sophisticated sexual innuendoes and techniques that I myself, my daughter, others were programmed to do and go in and just -- if these men were at all able to be coerced they were manipulated and then they were blackmailed. 

These people who are in positions of power know how to find out and research what people's weaknesses are, whether they are sex, drugs, sexual perversion, financial gain -- they lure them in and once people have been forced and coerced to participate and do the dirty deed - and a lot of times it was filmed, videotaped and documented - and these people who were already in positions of financial, political, whatever power, were then told 'this will be public knowledge and information if you don't go along with us'. 

I watched people being coerced at the highest levels at parties of the elite, where cocaine was flowing, drugs, alcohol, whatever anyone wanted - sex with children, whatever - anything they wanted - people were given. It was perversion at the highest level. 

WM: When you speak of the global elite … what is your understanding? 

BT: It is some of the old money families ... the reason I don't name names is there are too many of them, number one ... the names aren't going to help us sort out the problem, but the information is. 

And I was clearly told by a member of White House Intelligence for 29 years that I could tell what happened, but not to name the names. I want my children brought into safety and healing, and I believe that my children's level of healing isn't going to much different than what is going to be needed for some of these people who have been involved at the highest level. 


But people do name a lot of the same military bases and I will just say for myself and my daughter were programmed heavily at Point Magoo Naval Base where they had dolphin tanks in research, and there were places at Edwards Air Force Base and all sorts of different locations. 

But I think our commonalities are that we are all naming either major medical hospitals where arms of different medical research projects were done, or military bases, or NASA stations ... it's an organized pictures. It's not just some little ... cult operating here and there. It's all very organized. 

From 1995

Dick Cheney, then White House Chief of Staff to President Ford, later Secretary of Defense to President George Bush, documented member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), and Presidential hopeful for 1996, was originally Wyoming's only Congressman. 

Dick Cheney was the reason my family had traveled to Wyoming where I endured yet another form of brutality -- his version of "A Most Dangerous Game," or human hunting.

It is my understanding now that A Most Dangerous Game was devised to condition military personnel in survival and combat maneuvers. Yet it was used on me and other slaves known to me as a means of further conditioning the mind to the realization there was "no place to hide," as well as to traumatize the victim for ensuing programming. 

It was my experience over the years that A Most Dangerous Game had numerous variations on the primary theme of being stripped naked and turned loose in the wilderness while being hunted by men and dogs. In reality, all "wilderness" areas were enclosed in secure military fencing whereby it was only a matter of time until I was caught, repeatedly raped, and tortured.

Dick Cheney had an apparent addiction to the "thrill of the sport." He appeared obsessed with playing A Most Dangerous Game as a means of traumatizing mind control victims, as well as to satisfy his own perverse sexual kinks. My introduction to the game occurred upon arrival at the hunting lodge near Greybull, Wyoming, and it physically and psychologically devastated me. 

I was sufficiently traumatized for Cheney's programming, as I stood naked in his hunting lodge office after being hunted down and caught. Cheney was talking as he paced around me, "I could ..."  and then he outlined what he was going to do and then did it.

Those were two tales, quite similar to many others ... for example Joey Heatherington [one of the many] and Bob Hope ... and then we can come back here and look at Heath, Dolphin Square and so on or care homes on Jersey ... it goes on, the list.

You're perfectly entitled to flatly refuse to believe any of the above, call it total fantasy by some damaged women, irresponsible of me ... it's their tales, that's all.

Just as in Belgium, where the victims were given Roman numerals to protect them and where that 'Most Dangerous Game' was played for real.  Wherever would those aristocrats have thought that up from?

In 2022, it's becoming increasingly difficult just to dismiss out of hand.

Presidential controllers

They've always been but my delving has only been as far back as Colonel House.

The profile of every one of these is of limited brain, highly ambitious and needing to be a major wheeler and dealer across the world, with zero moral compunction, as in the Paedo Island visitors.  Low achiever too, such as a Rumsfeld, but quite sure he's a major player and better not mess with him.  Bigmouth.

Names include Kissinger but probably not Heels-Up, more likely to be Soetoro.  Bush Snr also did not have a controller as he was one already.


  1. Long before the internet came along I was somehow aware of the goings on in Belgium. I wish that I could remember the circumstances, It must have been in a conversation when I learned this. I was led to believe that children were let loose in countryside/woodland and hunted down by sexual predators, caught, abused and killed. Also, some time during the 1980s I was told by a younger person that a famous sitcom actor had a large house in the west country where he would host child sex parties with young boys. as this is hearsay I can only mention that his initials are PC.

    1. Andy, check out the Mothers of Darkness castle in Belgium. This report is done in a bit of a sensationalist way but there are many more if you look. One thing I have noted when hearing stories of this nature, is that the British royal family are always involved somewhere in the timeline.


    2. Thanks Ripper. That ties in so much that I know with a precise location. You'd think that us villagers would be storming that place with pitchforks and burning torches.

  2. I find reports like this hard to believe, but have heard of apalling treatment to aquaintances that I have to believe, but don't understand the mentality of those who could do such things. If proven, the perps should be put down - They aren't human anyway!

    1. Folk lore is full of cautionary tales about wicked people in castles taking virgins for sport.There is most probably a basis of truth hidden there. It's our natural instinct to disbelieve claims such as these above, how could people be so evil! My reaction is to neither accept nor dismiss but to file away to be added to the many such accounts, we never have to wait long for more or look too hard for them.

    2. How can a normal person adopt such behaviours, unless brought up in that way? It is un-natural and I would eradicate it by eliminating the perps. No excuses - it is unforgivable to use others like that. Where to stop? Wars have always seemed to me to be not so different to these 'games'

  3. I'll make no comment on the two women but if you don't buy them, try Alisha Owen and Paul Bonacci.

    I shall comment on Brussels though ... not the slightest doubt there, those were court records connected to Dutroux.

    As for me, I was in a boys school for my senior schooling. Some very interesting things occurred.

    As for the game, there are so many variations, one run by our gamesmaster.

    It's only natural for the normal, who grew up with his own 'hood, his own thugs, gangs etc. to see growing up in that way. That was my early schooldays ... I had two highly contrasting upbringings.

  4. Further thoughts. Look at Waugh's Decline and Fall, in particular the antics of the Bollinger and Lumsden of Strathdrummond. That's a good indicator. Boris Johnson and Dari. There were times one stayed well hid or scarpered to the furthest watering hole.

  5. Last thoughts ... in my long book, the wife asks that question, 'How could any normal person ...'

    Answer is he can't. These are not normal. The hubby answers, 'Put it this way, this is intergenerational. Who or what, down through history, has ever acted to curb these people's excesses?' They are above the little people, who are fodder.

    Tell me I'm talking out of my backside on this.

  6. Agree with you 100% on this James. Many years ago I worked for a newspaper in the U.K. (not in London and I was not a journalist). It was startling how many stories that would have horrified the public were buried. Abuse, corruption and children "disappearing" from state care...as one older journalist said to me "If the locals around here knew 1% of what really happens they would string up all the local officials, the top brass of the police and burn the town hall to the ground with the councillors inside.


Comments need a moniker of your choosing before or after ... no moniker, not posted, sorry.