Saturday, June 25, 2022

Saturday [2 to 4]

Have a good Saturday.

4.  Phantom Digger

a.  Techno_fog on [yester]day's ruling..

b.  On N4. In the title..

3.  Another cryptic tale

The tales funeral directors could tell if they wished. Austria bans it. The tale of 339%. Heads will eventually roll, unless of course the victims are dead.  Interesting notion. The closing of the circle.  How far does one poke a bear?  One of the summaries. MSM lapdogs.

2.  Daily Sceptic

Forcing staff to wear a mask for their entire working day is unprecedented in most healthcare settings. As it is now accepted by all but the shrillest of Covid zealots that morbidity of the SARS-CoV-2 virus is similar to influenza, many of the radical interventions from lockdown to face covering seem disproportionate, if not damaging. 

A month ago, national guidelines for the NHS dropped ubiquitous masking in clinical areas. However, most NHS trusts were unwilling to relax from pandemic mode. Absurdly, no exemptions are accepted for face covering. And so we have had a steady stream of cases, with several members being threatened with dismissal despite valid health concerns.

In disciplinary proceedings I have challenged employers with a set of six questions:

  1. Do you consider masks as a medical intervention?
  2. Do you promote informed consent?
  3. Do you honour exemptions?
  4. Please provide evidence (in summary) that masks are effective
  5. Could you give assurance that prolonged mask-wearing is not detrimental to physical or mental health?
  6. Could you explain why masks are required for COVID-19 but not influenza?

1 comment:

  1. 4. In the title.


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