Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Wednesday [1 to 3]

First rays of light.

3.  Watson

Speaking of naivety in good people, I'd like to draw a distinction between naivety and ignorance in English parlance.

Naivety, to me, is not pejorative, it's like the Eloi or the denizens of Hobbiton ... or even that of an infant ... they don't know, they can't know, but most are willing to learn.  They grew up a certain way and there it is.

Ignorance though is far more pejorative in my eyes ... it assumes that the chance has been given and rejected and there's a more malignant form sometimes called mortal sin ... the person saw, knew, but persisted in ignorance.

The crux of the matter is who or what you accept as your authority, innit?  For me, the ancients, the scribes, who push things as in the Beatitudes, in the Ten Commandments ... these sorts of things, e.g. fidelity in your dealings with others, just seem good and right.

Cannabalistic and self-destructive traits, denials of self, e.g. I'm a man, that woman is a woman, that duck is a duck, are a mark, first of insanity, then of huge danger, should any of these get into positions of power over others.

Which then throws the spotlight on the Priesthood, does it not?

Where's Orban in this?  Flawed man, yes, but clearly acting for Hungary first, including the Christendom aspect.  In terms of sheer numbers, here I am living in a west today of either godless nothing, destructive invaders, paganism, Roman religion and a small number of the biblical.

Yet even Orthodoxy is big on Saints and Priests.  We saw how they did in WW2 ... they buckled and then profited.  I'm no fan of Priesthoods, e.g. Schwab.

Seems to me there's no substitute for being in situ with a people, seeing and hearing them, understanding that across that strait is an enemy that will pour across if you allow it and slit throats, hack and rape in the name of "peace".  And what's one of the first jewels?  Hagia Sofia, no?

There IS a point, I'd contend, where simple naivety, faced with a global threat on different fronts, is no longer acceptable ... it becomes criminal neglect of world knowledge, of the plight of other peoples and I mean all those easterners in Europe caught between the Globosatanic, the deathcult and Woke pig ignorance.

Leaders in those places are almost always strongmen, there's no place for other types.

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