Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Tuesday [5 to 7]

Coffee needed.

7.  My NHS practice 

... sent me a text to call and arrange a "shingles" vaccination.  You wot?  Shingles?  I don't have shingles - I need to watch the lower legs as any heart patient must on medsand there've been skin things over the past years, not now, but shingles?

That's when I looked at Gab now and apparently, this pox is shingles. I'd not have a clue on that, possibly Dearieme will come storming in, saying it's utter bollox.

6.  Just take one small headline

You may have heard the disturbing story of Maddie de Garay, who in July 2020, aged 12, participated in Pfizer’s Covid vaccine trial of adolescents aged 12-15. Within 24 hours of receiving the second dose in early January 2021, Maddie experienced “zapping pain up and down her spine with severe abdominal pain… her toes and fingers turned white and were ice cold”. 

I'm quite happy to concede that, on overall numbers in which most do not appear to be ill but some are, it's a bit like this pox thing just now.  The jellybeans meme is appropriate, methinks:

You're offered some jelly babies to eat, though why anyone would wish to eat babies for a start is pretty sick in the light of 2022.  The purple ones will kill you, the yellow make you just a bit sick, the other colours don't do anything but long term give you diabetes.

Would you like a jelly baby?  It depends, does it not, on whether you were told what I just told. Because if that data was kept hidden, then we do start to enter the realm of criminality and pogrom do we not?

5.  DAD

If you want to read the speech that was given by Prime Minister Viktor Orbán at the Opening of CPAC Hungary where he gives his 12 points to the success of his Party in the recent elections.


  1. Morning!

    In the title.


  2. People get invitations to the shingles jab all the time. They either think you're old or that you're ill enough that shingles would knock you sideways. On vaccines generally I recommend this:


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