Saturday, January 29, 2022

Saturday [3 to 6]


7.  Absolutely, love

Question is - what do the compliant karens want to do when they finally wake up, politically?

6.  Just mentioning, not recommending

It's own warning is in the last sentence:

With tensions heating up in the Ukraine, it's a good time to stock up on iodine. Both world wars started in the area around Ukraine. This is something every prepper should have. The worst part of nuclear fallout is the radioactive iodine, which will accumulate in your thyroid gland should it get inside your body (through skin, inhalation, food, water, etc.). However if you consume regular, non-radioactive iodine before exposure to the fallout, then your thyroid gland won't absorb and hang on to the radioactive iodine. Careful with iodine, don't take too much of it in a non-emergency situation, and even then you shouldn't take an extreme megadose.
Have to mention, at this point, one of the essential failings of a blog ... this blog format ... and that's the issue of once it's off the front page, then all you have is a record in the sidebar, or else it's a case of wading back through.  though our nav [Blgr] is good here, it still means wading back through.

Then there's the issue Vox brought up:
There is absolutely no point in attempting to engage intellectually with those who are limited to the rhetorical. Their demand for sources and evidence is nothing more than a rhetorical ploy; if provided, they will not hesitate to ignore them.
I'm more than hesitant to call our output pearls and the ordinary readers swine as Vox has done but the latter epithet certainly applies to trolls and other nasties. There are two ways to come to a blog cold, meaning you do not know what has gone before:

One is with an open, enquiring mind but come on - who has tabula rasa of the mind?  Are there not always a priori prejudices?  Yet you do look through with the idea that there might be some snippets along the way.  Yes, it means skimming, not thoroughly reading ... but hey.

The other way is the way of the troll.   So ... as a blog admin ... I have to conserve time and energy, even reduce ongoing angst ... and the way to do that is to stick to a strict regimen.  Plus not leave offensive material up in an attempt to make a point, e.g. Elton John's vile moosh, a Podesta drawing, Pelosi with her choppers out, or Cortex the opposite, or Sotomayor.  In the case of that Canadian Transport Minister, the whole issue turned on that picture, so it was necessary.  Obliquely.

Our wimmin on bikes?  Different other matter.

5.  The problem with official figures

... can be summed up by Nero Wolfe in The Doorbell Rang, when talking to Archie about Sarah Daicos.  Does she lie?  Certainly, says Archie.

Then we must work on the basis that anything she says is unreliable, he concludes later after nailing her as the murderess.  Why on earth would the Daily Sceptic run impressive charts which are bollox to begin with, based on unreliable, massaged and doctored data?

What’s more, December’s age-standardised mortality rate was 8% lower than the same month a year before. Notice that the bump for the winter of 2021 is slightly lower than that for the winter of 2020.  

Yet there are people who are going to be impressed by those bells and whistles -they seem a responsible 'dealing with reality', wheas it's no reality whatever.  This is a standard failing of the Daily Sceptic.  How so?  It does not tally with the thrust of all the other data coming out.

4.  Taking stock

Every so often, as mentioned, we do need to sit back and do some of our own reading, make sense of it, determine our next steps.

At the macro level, the convoy is rolling in [or trying to] to Ottawa, you can skim through yesterday's and todays headlines here or elsewhere and get the picture.  

Fine to have that convoy roll in, all for it, just as I think the protests and marches and rallies are good in themselves ... and don't sneeze at the cathartic effect and the effect in enabling people to see and communicate with others on the matter, rather than stay stuck at home as Them wish us too.

So yes, this blog most certainly supports direct action of that kind, plus the tubes, plus the blogs and vlogs.  All good.  However, I do question the efficacy in terms of the final goal.  The left's reaction is kumbaya and candles at Ariana Grande concerts, the right's is angry protests in the street.

My big question is this ... is it stopping creeps like Micron and Soy Boy in their tracks, are they being dragged out and hanged?  Or are they completely free to continue with their next outrage and spitting on people?  Because they're certainly going to do that until replaced as past their use by date by their own masters.

Schwab and Soros - how is Ottawa going to drag these bstds out, Gates too, and execute them?  I'm afraid it's not. Yes of course Micron and Soy Boy can take the rap if it pans out that way - what of the High Henchmen?  Escape as usual, yes?  When the PM of a country where they are can send forces to drag them out.  If the political will was there.

At the same time, my running of that young Scottish Christian, Blonde, others, is most certainly not appreciated by non-Christians but as a blogger, I must recognise our readership and a proportion is that way.  There's one coming up on homosexuality.  There's Islam and Judaism too.

Fallen comrades [maybe not the best choice of noun, politically] ... what of the Phantom Digger?  Answer - who knows, we certainly don't.  Might have been the Elton John thing but I'm thinking it's more likely a combined weariness and his own friend in dire straits over there, maybe a feeling he's done all he can ... might be many things, his own home life with someone putting the foot down.  

We've always operated here on a voluntary, thank you so much basis for all you do.  We ebb and flow.

It may well be simple danger in France for pundits and any who put the head above the parapet - family does come first.  It may be a combination.  

3.  Steve

a.  ItajaĆ­, Brazil Citywide Prevention Program using Ivermectin Significantly Reduced COVID-19 Infection, Hospitalization, and Mortality Rate

b.  Pfizer Interferes Just Days Before Massive FOIA Vaccine Data Drop, FDA Claims The Vaccine Manufacturer Must Help Review and Redact Documents Before Public Release

c.  “I’ve Never Seen as Many Deaths.. It’s Around a 500 or 600 per cent Increase” – Funeral Director in UK Reveals Increasing Number of Thrombosis Death in Vaccinated Young Adults (VIDEO)

d.  ‘No Clear Benefit’ – Sweden Will Not Recommend Covid Vaccines For Children Ages 5 to 11

e.  Project Veritas: Undercover Video Reveals Disadvantaged People Taking Excessive Covid Vaccines For Tax-Funded Gift Card Incentive

f.  Canadian Freedom Convoy 2022 Is Now the Longest Truck Convoy on Record at 43 Miles Long! Tens Of Thousands Line Highways to See History — Must See Videos

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