Friday, January 28, 2022

Friday [4 to 8]

The march towards brekky.

8.  IYE

a.  “The “pandemic of the unvaccinated” was caused by a computer glitch. That was the conclusion of the Health Minister of Germany Karl Lauterbach, after months of vilifying the unvaccinated in the nation’s second largest city, Hamburg.”

Yeh, right. Who programmed the puter?

b.  Vaxxidents

Meanwhile 9 million due for 3rd shot haven’t turned up causing a nightmare for harm minister Veran. Good for them!!!

7.  Never even knew they were trying to steal the money

Hey, GREAT NEWS. After complaints & death threats etc etc GOFUNDME has now reversed position and has released almost $7MILLION in donated support funds for the CONVOY!!

Meanwhile, footage:

And Italy's getting into it too:


6.  Yours is coming, you bstd

... one deprivation too far, same with Micron.  Now though this was sent by Rossa's mother, the language above is mine.  [Hers is just as fruity I'd note.]

Apart from Trudeau and his fate, to my mind the greatest good to come out of this is Ottawa residents looking out and seeing trucks everywhere, nothing mentioned on the MSM.  Whaaaa?  Eyese will finally be opened as to how they're being continuously lied to.  Useful.

5.  Women on women

As you know, your humble blogger prefers to quote a woman on matters regarding her sisters, as it's too easy to dismiss a mere man.  On the other hand, I was looking at Corinthians1 and am having trouble accepting his attitude towards women. Seems to me the ladies get pushed and pulled every which way.

I was not going to run these two videos below because they're extreme, each in its own way.  

One is most certainly for Christians only, it's an internal, church of Christ thing and yet it has some interesting takes on things, not all of which I agree on.  For example, I do not believe there are 'left virtues and conservative virtues', as he puts it, at least within the church - to be 'left' today is to be godless, excepting that their god is socialism.

It's an attempt to reconcile how a friend who must sit in judgment on his friend can do it.  As I say, interesting.  I have one by him later on homosexuality.

The other is by Blonde and she's young here, so factor that in.  Yet a couple of years after this, she was married and had had her firstborn - she's certainly at the 'coalface' of this issue, far more so these days than we are.

Perhaps worth a look, if only to look into the mind of a real Christian, as distinct from the Pelosi's, Blairs, the Pope, Welby.  

Reason I suggest this is political, not religious - these are one half of the people spearheading the pushback at the moment - Wendy Rogers, Andrew Torba, MTG, most Gab pundits, incorruptibles or in other words - pains in the bloody neck, thorns in the side.

Which does put secularists such as our readers and contributors into an interesting position - what to do with these pesky Christian nutters?  Think gay cake and baker refuseniks for example.

There is no doubting that these are speaking out boldly and loudly, saying NO to the cabal, flat out NO. And they're not known for backsliding, this lot. Useful for the overall thrust but I'd bet many secularists would wish they weren't there as fellow dissidents all the same.  And as you know, even I am 'suspect' this way.  

4.  Rossa's mother

... sent a quote and we're currently trying to attribute its source.  More on that later.

1 comment:

  1. Re#8- No truck with vaccinated/unvaccinated polarity. A newly charged battery for the talentless to shine. I will not fight a decade over who said what or did what the last two years. What was said and done was on record and nothing will wash away the shame and evil perpetrated by those people.
    I claim and hold what I have and that which has no value reveals itself to me every day. The grifting pollies, pundits and foundations; whore media; collection plate and paedophile churches; cowardly masked ninnies in the high street.

    Claims made by any of the above are worthless and do not need to be fought over.


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