Wednesday, December 08, 2021

Wednesday [6 to 8]


8.  Polly's in good form

Looking quite good too, young Pol, at this time.

7.  The sort of creature being appointed today

Constitutional scholars were taken aback by her injection of politics:

“Will this institution survive the stench that this creates in the public perception – that the Constitution and its reading are just political acts?” Sotomayor asked. “I don’t see how it is possible.”

And her casual rejection of the Constitution as the arbiter of Supreme Court decision-making:

Justice Sonia Sotomayor even said at one point that the Supreme Court comes up with decisions all the time that aren’t directly grounded in the Constitution. This is a line of argument that, if taken seriously, would justify the Supreme Court swinging free of all restraint and rewriting the nation’s laws on the fly.

6.  Lifesite

QUEENSLAND, Australia (LifeSiteNews) – Australia’s third largest state is denying organ transplants to patients who refuse COVID vaccination.

The Queensland department of health said in a statement Monday that patients must have “a minimum requirement of two doses of an approved COVID-19 vaccine prior to receiving a kidney, lung or heart transplant.”

“Queensland follows national and international practices regarding transplantation and vaccination protocols,” Queensland Health said.


  1. I'm hearing UK gubermint peeps aren't turning up for interviews? No longer want to deal with Bodger's party debacle? All sorts being divulged about the knees-ups those "elites" where having whilst the elderly were alone and isolated from their loved ones and plod was intimidating those not masked up and 6 feet apart. Got a snack of your choice to watch the fall out from this? This is getting sooooo good! Bodger you iz stuffed!

    The Granny-Grabber over here has just gone against EU ruling to drop "Christmas" from our vocabulary. Shocking! Erm, nope! He's got an election coming up and immigration is a big issue. He can't be seen to be appeasing those claiming to be upset by the word "Christmas". So Christmas lives on! Macron, on the other hand......

  2. Oh dear! CNN aren't having a good week
    First Cuomo, then Cuomo throws Zucker under the bus, now this


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