Sunday, December 19, 2021

Sunday [9 and 10]

10.  Just running this without comment

... and yet, as I heard the priest begin his rebuttal to this astonishing overreach, my heart sank.

This young priest made the grave error, as have nearly all of the clergy and Church hierarchy since the beginning of the pandemic, of first assuming that the spiritual mission and heavenly government of the Church must be accommodated to the shifting politics and priorities of the civil government.  

He proceeded to beg for relief from the new restrictions — not by questioning the authority of the government to impose such restrictions at all, but by noting how scrupulously the Church had thus far complied with other equally nonsensical mandates, such as occupancy limits, social distancing, masks, and obsessive-compulsive hand-sanitizing.  

But once you have accepted the authority of the State to tell you when and where to jump, your only recourse is to ask, "How high?"  Predictably, the opinions of the clergy about how high is high enough will take a distant back seat to the agenda of Anthony Fauci and Justin Trudeau, et al.

Christ was completely radical by the standards of the current leadership of the Church.  He said to Peter — three times for emphasis — "feed my sheep" (John 21:15-17).  

He did not say, "Feed my sheep, provided you can do so in complete safety and at no legal jeopardy to yourself, or otherwise forget it."  

Peter and the other apostles took these words to heart.  They locked the door of the Upper Room where they were gathered after Christ's death precisely because they were violating the orders of the government.  They were not allowed to gather there, or anywhere else for that matter, nor would Christians be allowed to gather for the better part of the next three centuries.  

When an angel appeared to break Peter out of the prison (Acts 12:1-19), where he had been sent for the crime of preaching the Gospel, Peter did not ask the angel to wait until he received his COVID pass from the government.  

If the Church fathers had adhered to the supine, permission-seeking philosophy of today's prelates and clergy, there would be no Church.

9.  Consider this

The judge presiding over the case made reference to what he called the grandmother’s “absurd selfishness” and “wilful disregard of others”.

The opposite of course is the truth - the compliant jabbed are the ones freely spreading themselves about in "wilful disregard of others".

One commenter:

Grannies jailed, WW2 veterans accused of "racism", millionaire footballers taking the knee to black Marxist revolutionaries and all the while thousands of "migrants" continue to cross into Britain unmasked and untested, 100,000 predicted for next year...are we living i the world of George Orwell or Lewis Carroll?


If the unvaccinated can't participate in society, do we get let off paying taxes?  In so far as the bastards have put most small businesses out of work, no profits or income there to be taxed on, that will just happen naturally. Then who would pay the public sector office workers 'pretending to work from home' ?


You forgot the men in frocks adding to the stats for rapes committed by women and the judge who forced a victim to refer to her attacker as 'she' in court to comply with his human rights. We are living in Hell that's for sure.

As many articles have pointed out - this has zero to do with health, all to do with exerting control, humiliating and punishing disobedience to your "leaders". The psychos are not just the judge, they're also the selfish karens.

In fact [see the full post at NOWP]:

World Health Organization European Advisory Group of Experts in Immunization former Vice President Professor Christian Perronne said that all vaccinated people must quarantine over the winter months or risk serious illness.  Perronne was the Chairman of the Specialized Committee on Communicable Diseases of the High Council of Public Health. 
Confirming the rapidly deteriorating situation in Israel and the United Kingdom, the infectious disease expert stated: “Vaccinated people should be put in quarantine, and should be isolated from the society.”  He said the vaccinated need to isolate to prevent severe illness over the winter months.

Israeli doctor Kobi Haviv told Channel 13 News: “95% of seriously ill patients are vaccinated. Fully vaccinated people account for 85-90% of hospitalizations. We are opening more and more COVID branches. The effectiveness of vaccines is declining or disappearing.”


  1. Steve

    War Room - traditional carols included in the intervals

    Episode 1,495 - Ray Epps and Jan 6 | The Lies of Tony Fauci

    Episode 1,496 - Fauci on Trial - with Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

  2. In the title.

    1. Snippets.


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