Sunday, October 24, 2021

Two tales of the unfortunate

1.  The loss of a soulmate

Something Longrider wrote got under the guard, so did that film last night.

With the film, younger wife planned to kill older hubby, fine, I can relate to that, but he only starts with another young filly when he isn't actually dead.  Now, the interesting bit to me is this, in terms of marital vows - do vows end when one attempts to kill the other and death would part them ... or when she finally goes down in a heap for her deeds, in other words old sparky, where does that leave him?

Because now he's with his real one and only, all the previous were mirages.  Should he not at all?  What's the situation on bigamy?  Is he morally better than the wife and lover?

Broadening this, after a rocky path to this point in my current novel [nearly finished], these two quite non-marriage types find they can finish each other's sentences and they think in similar ways, but her past means she has a limited shelf life. So should they get too deep because then it becomes like Vinny Jones, above?

2.  My Russian mate and Jordan Peterson

My mate sends:

Now I can understand a builder feeling that way, they're pretty straightforward guys and might not have had the time to cover all the ins and outs. He's certainly still seeing JP in terms of the Cathy Newman interview or similar and that's fine.  He speaks disparagingly of those against JP and I think he's referring to the woke left there, not so much to us on our side.

Still, one can't consider JP without considering Vox's stance whom he'd possibly lump in as a Boomer.  I can sympathise with Vox too for the loss of his longtime site - as one who's lost more sites than you've had marriages, as I wrote once before, I can see how it would be for him.

So, what of Vox on JP?  Why the categorical rejection?  Here it is:

And remember, this is the very same man who claimed community doesn’t matter, family doesn’t matter, and every man should stand on his own, by himself, and without any allegiance to a group identity, because group identities are “pathological”.
JP is not one of my hobbyhorses, as the item in N1 is, I read, note and move on.

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