Saturday, October 16, 2021

Saturday [1 and 2]

Hope you also slept till 07:30.

2.  If Blgr is reading this

See, this is where it becomes so confusing for the ordinary person.  We're bombarded by stats, graphs, just as in this article today:

In the latest Vaccine Surveillance report from Public Health England (PHE) the infection rate in double-vaccinated people in their 40s went above 100% higher than in the unvaccinated for the first time, reaching 109%. This translates to an unadjusted vaccine effectiveness of minus-109%.
Now it's agreed that some articles/blogs jump on bandwagons, while the MSM bombard with a bewildering array of R rates, whatever they are, plus flawless testing, then in comes Ferguson to the studio and in learned, measured voice, says yes, it's all true.

But he was demonstrated to be wrong, or at a minimum questionable in conclusion, let alone Fauci who had many reasons for his about turns. FDA? CDC? And when even the most inexperienced journo probes their backgrounds, their connections, then it's hardly 'disinterested party', is it?  Pence-Brock-Gates-Fauci?  What of that connection?

Now we come to companies, tech giants, organisations of every kind - they have their senior management meetings and decide it best to accept govt assurances as unsullied fact, even though the position changes weekly.  Now fair dos about companies - they need to set their own policies for employees if they perceive a danger, e.g. employees must not murder or rape each other ... a situation where there is no doubt.  In this situation though, at a minimum, what about the placebos given?  How do they affect The Stats?

At a minimum, the public surely has the right to see these debated head to head without producers interfering and slanting?  Surely such serious matters affecting life, death, people's very livelihoods, can't just be Ardern's statement that there is a single point of truth and it is hers?  That is insane and what's more, criminally insane.

Many people who are personally affected ... well yes, that's going to slant their thinking, no?  And as people age, they do become set in their ways and demand certainties.  But there's nothing certain in this whole show.

I mean, as an amateur with no medical background, what am I meant to do when facing the charts at TDS, which directly contradict official charts on the box, when these charts at TDS never even see the light of day?  Where was the debate?

See, this is nowt to do with loonies nor resistance groups, not in the initial stages, it's about establishing "the science" beyond any reasonable doubt. A Neanderthal Territory chief minister downunder looking down at his notes while imposing $5000 fines, while the science is not settled at all and those fines are for not swallowing whole what govt has determined as science, given the special interests involved, e.g. the Hancock family connection with Oxford AZ ... well does that not strike you as being, at a minimum, iffy?

And what of a tech giant deleting three posts on a little bloggers pretty blog, questioning this official, special-interest line with its demonstrated flaws, when everything so far stated here has been borne out at least in part?  See, eventually, we come down to who is genuinely enquiring, truly seeking the stats and though I disagree with Toby Young on broader things, is not all that part of "the conversation"?

Is there no "conversation" whatever then?  

Then why would Blgr go to such lengths to have people sign up to blog?  Is a blog not a place where people ask questions?  I quite agree, it's not a place for calling 'kill, kill, kill' like a death cult, it's not a place for copyright breach or sheer porn, it's a place for 'come, let us reason', no?  Well that's what we're attempting to do, the raison d'etre of a blog in the first place.

You see the difficulty here?

1.  Steve

a.  Maricopa County:

Jovan Pulitzer Eats the Lunch of ‘Fact Checker’ from Associated Press Spewing Maricopa County Talking Points

b.  Dr Shiva Ayyadurai: 6,545 mail-in ballots with No Envelope, 2,580 Bad Signatures, 1,919 mail-in ballots with no signature, Same person with two Voter IDs

c.  Arizona Senate Must Obtain Original Ballot Envelope Images from Runbeck and Deliver Them to Dr Shiva

d.  The Donald:

President Trump Announces New Information From Arizona: “It Is Damning And Determinative! Will Be Discussing This Today.”

e.  You really couldn't make this stuff up..

Attorney General Garland’s Wife Is an Advisor Closely Linked to Brennan Center and Connected with Far-Left Groups Working to Prevent 2020 Election Audits

1 comment:

  1. The PHE document has some strange things.

    They say 65% had at least one dose, 97% have antibodies yet only 19% of these antibodies come from infection alone.

    They say that the vaccine prevents infection yet apart from the young, recently vaccinated, their figures show the opposite.

    They say that the vaccine prevents transmission, and that there is no transmission without infection, yet their figures demonstrate that vaccination must therefore increase the chances of transmission.

    And finally they do not consider whether vaccination itself, which after all creates parts of the virus, does not result in positive PCR tests. This in itself would create an large increase in false positives in the vaccinated, thereby suppressing their rates of hospitalisation and death. This would make it appear that the vaccine is effective in the most important categories.


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