Monday, October 18, 2021

Monday [6 and 7]

7.  Phantom Digger

What it says on the tin:

... and this one

6.  Continuing about Max Headroom

Bear with me here, there's a point to this but our readers are mainly British, then American, then a smattering of other civilised lands and this below of course is pure American, who never leave you wondering what's what:

The immediate point is that what goes around comes around again and in the first, Carson is commiserating with Letterman over Leno; in the second, Letterman is commiserating [in a way] with Conan over Leno - leopard never changes its spots.  The second one then gets onto 8 year old sons playing baseball, which might be of local interest only.

Now, extending the Leno thing and including all the late night hosts, it's of course bread and circuses but was put more sharply when this guy was critiquing Max Headroom but at twelve minutes, he swung round to criticise the talkshow hosts themselves and it was cutting:

Now it became something more because it started criticising Amercians themselves for being comforted by these shows [he's American himself] and that has further spinoffs about today. 

In other words, Americans were comforting themselves with their Constitution, the invulnerability of their basic institutions and all the while - I keep quoting Senator Jenner from 1954 but I could as well have quoted Woodrow Wilson - America was being whiteanted by the left and that brings us right back to our arguments today about it all.

Voila - just look at the state of the US right now with a usurper having sold out to China, a bunch of sickos running the country, assisted by the Bush family, Kerry, Gore - out and out treason in terms of the ordinary red state American, otherwise known as the employed taxpayers.

Over and over and over again, we come back to the same thing in the US, UK, anywhere in the west - the 'leaders' have all sold the indigenous people out in that land and the same question comes up over and over - what can be done?

Sadly, bread and circuses do work, and as long as someone has a roof and food, that immediately undercuts any call for sovereignty and freedom ... until that freedom has gone.  The people are on soma.

That man who came in early morn about 'you and your ilk' - now he's one of two things.  He's either one of the narrative pushers or else he's a naive enabler [Father, forgive him] - which one?

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