Friday, October 15, 2021

Friday [4 to 7]

No, not double counting but a continuation.

7.  Some good things around today

Despite Kathy Gyngell being up herself, too grand for us hoi polloi, her site has some good things, even by Richard Tice of the selective conservatism:

Women don’t feel safer on the streets and unbelievably now don’t feel safer in the presence of a police officer. Indeed since Wayne Couzens, we have the desperate situation where official Metropolitan Police advice is if you are approached by a single plain clothes police officer, even with a warrant card, assume they are a wrong ’un and run away, ideally hailing a bus or taxi. Yet the Tory Government have extended the appointment of the Met Commissioner, Dame Cressida Dick, for another two years on the inspirational justification of ‘continuity’. That actually means continuity of failure. She would resign if she had a scrap of integrity in her body.
Indeed.  Or even be in prison for a long stretch over a Brazilian electrician.

6.  A good one by DS today

Toby is best when within his comfort zone here:

YouTube removed a video of a speech made by David Davis at a Conservative Party Conference fringe meeting in which he argued against the introduction of vaccine passports in the U.K. The Independent has more.

Senior Conservative MP David Davis has accused YouTube of censoring him after the platform removed his speech criticising the use of domestic vaccine passports in Britain.

The video of the former cabinet minister – speaking on the fringes of the Tory party’s annual conference last week – was uploaded by the civil liberties campaign group, Big Brother Watch.

Not sure if you're familiar wih the Tory Party Conference layout but they two conferences at the same time - the movers and shakers of dubious conservatism in the main hall, subject to all sorts of access and egress strictures - this is the pure Tory Conference.  In the 'fringe' building is the true conservatism and the good speakers.  I'd say the Conference is well worth it, provided you go to the fringe building - there you'll find Guido, Ruth Whatsername, Roger Helmer in his day, some very sound conservatism.  

Then there is a fringe to the fringe and that's where the classy politics are, the real questions are asked - it's hidden away in the basement.

Then there are, outside the building in, say, pubs, other fine speakers, e.g. the ex- mayor of Middlesborough on the police.  Within the fringes are groups such as the Freedom Association, generally a good bunch.

5.  To give part of the answer to my own question in 4

There was a gab or item at Gab which I can't find now and perhaps it was just trolling in order to provoke the anti-Woke, but it was an obese karen writing, it just trilling off her keyboard, minus deep thought, 'Oh for F sake, just go out and get the thing, will you?'  She went on that all the Science, all the Studies had shown it was safe, it worked, that everything is fine, so why are you holding out, threatening us who have done the right thing?

To this point, it was simply misinformed and begged various questions, e.g. by which measure could she possibly say the Science justified anything?  The Science as she puts it has been debunked over and over and over and what's more, outlets which ordinarily would not embrace such dissent are themselves raising questions, hence the pushback.

There's a double header there as well - first off, why not? Why, if someone doesn't wish for something and there is plenty of science supporting not wanting it, let alone religious conviction - why is that dismissed out of hand?  And the second part is that his very assumption is flawed, it is wrong, yet he is forcing his view on people who can clearly see he is wrong.

The obvious next step is how to legally remove this person.  They tried in California and the corruption won.  Thus he is able, legally, to continue maladministration, just as with the country as a whole by the usurper.

Coming back to this gabber, did she then leave it at her view now stated and no one even bothering downvoting or upvoting, nothing at all?  Nope, and here it is again - the core - she wanted action taken on anyone disagreeing with her errors, and action in a quite vicious way.  She wanted us rounded up, sent to gulags - remember those FEMA camps set up which we showed photos of, obviously not occupied at that time?  Why would FEMA camps be set up in readiness, years ahead of the need?

Why would this whole current situation be planned in2018 and lead to Event 201 in late 2019?  For what conceivable purpose, and by whom?  Which persons caused all this to even happen?  Such questions shirley need answering, no?

And it's not as if I [and many others like me] have never shown parallels in, say, early 50s America which caused McCarthy, which caused Senator Jenner to speak out so vehemently.  Yes, that was Fed related in the latter's case but it was all part of the same situation which I now relabel as Woke and anti-Woke.  Or in Clif High's terms - Narrative and Woo.

Always, there have been instigators invoking planned change which has always followed the same pattern - the French Revolution was a perfect case in point - which results in the enslavement of people and their being forced into things thereafter by a politburo at the top.

Do you see why I am so wary of revolutions?  Not because the people should not act but because the whole thing is foreseen, planned for and opposition removed ahead of time, people of the Woo already factored in for removal.  

Once they're ready, they invoke and provoke over some stupid issue or even not so stupid - bread on the table for example.  In the 50s, it had a different pair of labels - communist and anti-communist.  Same issue.

4.  Time to focus on this 'man'

That is part of Steve's drop [part e], currently at t'other place.  What sets it apart is that, despite the heading and comment below it which are pretty clear in intent, the video itself is solely the broadcast of the Minister involved, no commentary, no op ed.

Quite jawdropping.  There is a fundamental disconnect in the brains of these jumped up jobsworths [notice, incidentally, Heinrich Hancock making a 'comeback'] and it is this - people who pushback en masse in large numbers over an issue, particularly one as vital as simply putting food on the table for their families, do NOT do so on a whim.

That this little s*** cannot understand that this fundamental principle is the whole issue, the nub of the matter, the crux.

If I were to post no further posts today, then that is the point that needs to be made and be left there to come back to.  One more time:

That this little s*** cannot understand that this fundamental principle is the whole issue, the nub of the matter, the crux.

There's a threefold component in there - the mandatory part, plus the lowlife quality of the jumped up little s*** who sees all his bithdays come at once, drunk on power, plus how that person or any of the karens we see around today, equally laying it down to you or me - how they come to be in that position to coerce in the first place.

That last is the most fundamental, core issue.  By what process in the mechanism of placing our servants into those positions did they come to assume, with utter impunity, back by militia funded by you yourself, the right to burst into your home and force this upon you?  By what mechanism do they assume powers they simply should not have, except in the 'might is right' law of the jungle?

Now, before we blame the sheeple who've been taken in sufficiently to allow this state of affairs, people who voted these jumped up etc. in - before blaming them, do we blame a toddler for finding a knife lying around, or a box of matches?

By what mechanism do parents and educators fail to explain to yoof growing up the very grave responsibility there is in being educated enough to vote in the first place, that eternal vigilance is required in order to meet such threats as this Neanderthal Territory jumped up etc.

Which opens up the whole question of suffrage, does it not?  Plus how to detect and kill off burgeoning tyranny in the bud.  I'd suggest that that is THE most pressing question in any age, let alone this age.


  1. Slick Willie hospitalised without cv or anything related to his previous ticker problem according to these eminently unreliable sources. Are we due another state funeral over there?

  2. 4/5. When I pause to think of what I know or strongly suspect what is happening today I feel a chill. The sheer evil is spine chilling. There are no words to describe this, it makes the Holocaust seem like a drop in the ocean. Even so, the people lining us up for the showers are our own people, deluded but still just ordinary people destined to be victims like us.

    On a similar note, is that mega prison in Wellingborough somehow connected?

  3. I can see a case for sacking Dick but not a strong case for jailing her over the Brazilian chap. You don't jail a senior officer because some bozo constable was an idle bugger and then made a guess and lied about it.

    It would be like sacking Montgomery or Eisenhower because a lancejack murdered some German prisoners.


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