Friday, August 20, 2021

Friday [6 to 10]

And onwards.

10.  Steve

Good episode (1,187) Bannons War Room, aired yesterday: 

9.  DR

a.  Number of arm-poke casualties so far (EU)

b.  Thread from Dr Ah Kahn Syed @arkmedic via twitter 

"In less than a month #Israel may no longer be able to hide the very obvious about the #covidvaccine despite booster doses, #lockdowns and suppression of V data. Leaked yesterday - 95% of deaths in the #vaccinated and a huge jump from June......." 

... cont'd at link. Charts included.

c.  Another day another outing of lies. Clue in the title:

8.  Start of our Indian summer?

Or last gasp of summer before it fades?

7.  DR at NOWP

[Url in [6] or sidebar]

a.  Andy Ngo:

The Arts Council of Wales (@Arts_Wales_) spent tens of thousands of public money to commission a CRT report on itself which found the organization was "white supremacist" & that its promotion of Welshness was racist.


Wales is like 99% white welsh people. Against whom are they racist? They will have to import people to be racist against. CRT is a mind virus that eats normie brains like they were BBQ.

b.  CDC Director Walensky just told the world: 

"INCREASED risk of SEVERE disease amongst those VACCINATED EARLY."

Go to minute 16:54. [Need to go to NOWP to click that.]

That's game, set and match to the people who warned you about experimental gene therapies with no long term studies done.

c.  DR on Gillian McK:

 This Ozzie twerp needs sectioning.


Victoria, Australia.  Extra rules.....You are NOT to watch the sunset any more!!!!!  This man needs help as he’s obviously insane....

DR again:

Here’s another one to join him in the padded cell.

StopCommonPass on Soy Boy:

"If you don't want to get vaccinated, that's your choice. But don't think you can get on a plane or a train beside vaccinated people & put them at risk". 

"The counter to tyranny is democracy, elections..."

Get rid of him #Canada 🇨🇦

6.  At NOWP

Hi James, long time since I posted, thanks for everything you’re doing and thanks to all the people posting here. It is an priceless resource.*

RE: Mike Yeardon 2;

As bad as it gets, there is light at the end of the tunnel. We all see how desperate they are becoming; everyday more people I know are questioning everything.
With a record of incredible accuracy this is what Martin Armstrong is saying about the “Great Reset”, and have no doubt he is correct. Again.

“The closer we move toward 2024, all our forecasts people who have attended for decades can see for themselves what is now unfolding and becoming obvious. Nevertheless, this is a last-stand. They will FAIL and what lies ahead will be a new form of government and with that, there may be a light at the end of the tunnel.”

Well worth a dive into his entire blog using the tags below posts and his tube videos or if you have Prime check out his documentary “The Forecaster”.

* Very kind.  I do strongly contend [Mandy Rice-Davies] that NOWP is an indivisible adjunct to ONO.  Yes, it began as a place for me to see tweets but has now become far more - tweets are a condensed selection, saving us having to wade through hundreds. Only hoping DR does not tire, think we're all hoping that.  Then the other boys, also Rossa's mother, also Toodles will make a comeback I think.

I'm seriously considering the £3 a month to WP, keep em happy, keep NOWP ad free.  The concept of running a reader-driven comments thread in lieu of blogger is not a bad idea, it just happened.  For all ONO is ok, the comments system sucks and that is not the issue over at WP once you have your initial comment up, you're not reliant on me clicking through.  Still think ONO has to be the flagship - the available themes at free WP suck but maybe the £3 will give me a nicer theme.


  1. Steve

    Good episode (1,187) Bannons War Room, aired yesterday:

  2. In the title is the clue.

    Good as long as it is a proper investigation and they do all the other brands too.


Comments need a moniker of your choosing before or after ... no moniker, not posted, sorry.