Friday, July 23, 2021

The angel faced monster in the white coat [2]

Now, before getting onto Vox Day's reaction to the issue in part one, a quick look at Daily Sceptic, formerly Lockdown Sceptics:

Earlier this month the BMJ published a blog post by its former editor Richard Smith entitled: “Time to assume that health research is fraudulent until proven otherwise? 

The conclusion was essentially yes. Today we’re publishing an original piece by Mike Hearn looking at fraud and other problems besetting scientific research. Mike was a regular contributor to Lockdown Sceptics and the author of the site’s most read article in its 16-month history. Here is an extract from his latest piece:

It’s been known for years that a lot of claims made by scientists can’t be replicated.

Let's also look at what Ripper dropped during the night:

I found this very interesting at the time. Some student, forgot his name, decided to play a prank on the woke by relabeling water as 'dihydrogen monoxide' and doing a survey asking people if they thought it should be banned. Apparently 99% (or something like that) of that survey thought that water should be banned.

AFAIK, this had something to do with the 'second/third hand smoke' lunacy coming from the anti smoking brigade. The point of his prank was to show that by changing the wording, anything can be made to appear lethal.

You can see the very same template and tactics being played out right now, with covid. Like 'herd immunity' - there is no such thing, only individual immunity by your own body, which is there to protect you and no one else.

My making the text bold there.  Now to Vox, which Rossa's mother sent with the email heading "FAKE", showing the same apoplexy as Ann Barnhardt but towards a different end:

The vaccine propagandists must be getting desperate if they think this sort of sob story is going to convince anyone to get the #killshot:

What follows is that quote from part one of this two-parter:

"Dr. Brytney Cobia, a hospitalist at Grandview Medical Center in Birmingham, wrote in a recent Facebook post she is treating a lot of young, otherwise healthy people for serious coronavirus infections."

Interesting.  Presumably Ann has read all of Karl Denninger's piece and Vox comments on Karl:

Of all the things that never happened, that never happened the most. First, the name is fake. Second, intubation has been proven to be a good way to kill Covid patients. Third, and most importantly, no one has died of Covid in Alabama since April. Karl Denninger demonstrates how dialectic can destroy rhetoric when applied properly.

Quick correction of Vox here - no one has been reported to have died of Covid in Alabama.  Different thing.  Ah, but read on in comments:

Great find on the Karl Denninger info on top of what I sent you earlier.

I saw this from my cousin right after it was posted on this morning -- and it was being repeated all over the national news within 3 hours (11am CST or so.)

The link I sent you in that e-mail was absolutely ridiculous because that "journalist" let loose at the end with curse words:

"I don’t know if you noticed, but there are a number of irredeemably sociopathic motherfckers spouting off their ignorance around the country these days."
But what about this though:
Denninger's graph is likely wrong, just not updated. Numbers since April have been lower but NOT zero.  Go to Data and Surveillance tab at the top, then in the lower tabs go to #14 for Deaths. The axis for daily deaths is the left one.

So Vox has bullishly leapt in and made a sweeping conclusion, just as Ann Barnhardt did but for a different purpose.  And I, knowing much of Millennial girl fakery, also jumped onto that aspect of it and still state that which I stated in part one.

Now let's assume that the whole thing turns, not on "zero or near zero" as a nicety, but on what Official Line trollery has done and is doing.  Let's assume that this Millennial is fake, that the FB, Esquire and all the rest of that is fake, what are the conclusions?

Well, for a start, a safe conclusion is that someone wants false data accepted with a view to spreading the vaxx.  Which brings us back to Toby Young in the first quote in this part two.

Secondly, for the vaxx scammers, they not only fool some of the people to take the Millennial's advice at face value and rush out to have the vaxx, but as it becomes apparent it is a fake name and girl - Vox doesn't know that but his belligerent manner will sway the type of person auto-swayed by Vox over bullish, categorical conclusions. 

At the same time, he is probably right, young Vox, to leap to that conclusion on the face of it.  But it still needs exploring further, not signing off because he says so.

It also puts people like Ann B and even myself in a bad light as people with their own hobbyhorses and that's exactly what I was saying in a recent post about no one being neutral - no one at all, not pundits, not readers.  All have biases.  Vox leapt onto his, Ann B leapt onto hers and I leapt onto mine.

"Them" are chortling because they see Alabama as a hick place where everyone will now rush out to have the vaxx, appealing to the heartstrings, failing to see that Ann B is also right about Millennial girls - she knows them and I gave a couple of examples of the pathology.  I can give another example from when I was in the terminal ward after the heart attack and I even wrote about it on the blog in 2017 - the treatment that night I was in that ward.

And look at this, also in comments:
Another datapoint -- I'm in Alabama and a younger coworker's father, early 50s healthy weight, not diabetic, DID die of COVID in May I believe. Over a month on a ventilator, lungs turned to mush. So, again, low but not zero.
Now I bring in something else - I know some things which are happening over there but it's privileged info, which cuts no ice with you the reader, scientifically, natch, but here I'm protecting my sources and it is at ground level we're talking, within a locality.  

And this bollox about zero cases does not stand up IMHO.  In fact, I've seen a list of those who are "cases" now inside the hospital system again.

So where does that leave us?

It leaves absolutely everyone involved jumping on hobbyhorses and ending up with egg on the face [not sure how that one works as a metaphor but never mind].

And look at the readers who will immediately jump onto Ann B's leaping to conclusions - why?  They don't like her.  Why?  Strongly Catholic or even worse - Christian.  

And readers who almost uncritically worship anything Vox says as an article of faith also see that I have him on the "show caution" list before quoting him.

The best place it leaves all of us who are still willing to learn is that we do need to be ultra cautious, more than any of us ordinarily have time for.  Remember my posting about 80% correct but the last 20% "significantly altering" the picture?

Who comes out worst?  Neither Karl, Ann, Vox nor I do on this issue - this is one which got past all of these pundits in turn - all it does is throw light again on the hobbyhorses of each pundit and I'd extend that to each reader as well.  It does not halt any of us in refusing to accept the official line on this matter, nor should it.

But when it comes down to the falsification going on at official level [bring in Toby Young again], officialdom heavily into spreading the vaxx, then all pundits mentioned on this, plus known post-jab deaths - see Steve and DR, also Ripper - which those medicos also know about full well ... then Officialdom has a Hell of a lot of explaining to do, and face charges over.

And that brings us back to the same sorts of conclusions as on the voter fraud - there is most certainly at least reasonable doubt about this experimental vaxx and the Machine pushing it.

There is something deeply rotten going on - and getting vaxxed in the meantime?  You'd have to be kidding.

Chap I was chinwagging with yesterday had the first jab, was not well, then woke up, now is refusing the second.  It's better than nothing.  /END.


  1. Update - go to Vox link, scroll down to comments 72, 102, 130, 152.

  2. Unsure if this would be useful info, but I just went to the website of Grandview Medical Centre and did several searches on the 'find a doctor' page. There is no Brytany Cobia listed. There is a Dr. Miles Cobia (neurology), first thing I wondered is whether it could be a husband/wife team but then they would both be listed.

    Was also going to do a search on IMDB to see if she's really an actor but don't have the time - haven't slept yet and need to take the car for service. Besides, the name could be entirely fake.

    Also that picture of her in your previous post just stinks of fake. Its so 'plastic', in the same way that adverts are always set in a perfect world with perfect people.

    1. Yep, all good, ta. I’ve left links on part one too.

    2. Steve's point in this thread is going to be repeated in Friday 5, as it will give clickable links.

  3. Steve

    Some shorts to press a point being made (I think) in the above comment by Ripper, and of coarse the daddy of it all one Anthony Fauci..

    Vaccine Expert Says What’s Happening With The Covid-19 Vax is ‘Fundamentally Different’

    The Government Is Running A Psy-op Operation To Get People Comfortable Taking The Vax

    Fauci Is Only An Expert On Covid Because He Helped Create It

    Fauci Knows He’s Been Caught

  4. The BMJ post is interesting - one of many indications over the years that scientific fraud and incompetence are major problems. The sorry tale of Ferguson's ludicrous computer model seems to be the tip of a vast iceberg yet we've known for decades that science has these problems.

    Too useful to fail seem to be why it continues.


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