Saturday, July 03, 2021

Saturday [6 to 9]

9.  Steve

a.  Maricopa County: Arizona Audit Floor Cleared Of Pallets – Ballots And Machines In Storage For Remainder of Evaluation (Video)

b.  Katie Hobbs Is Terrified Of Final Arizona Vote Count – She had a Duty to Certify Accurate Results

c.  Maricopa County Supervisor Steve Gallardo Knows What Is Coming – Begs Senate To End Audit

d.  Katie Hobbs Cries Discrimination and Racism Over Supreme Court Denying Ballot Harvesting in Arizona – Arizona Conservative Puts Her In Her Place

e.  Elsewhere in Georgia: Report: Over 168,000 Ballots Missing Chain of Custody in Cobb County, Georgia

f. Related: Decoding Political Babble and Double Speak - Non Hackable Modems? 

8.  Commendable of her

Not exactly a strong stand but better than nothing.

7.  Vaccine crapshoot

Over at OoL 

6.  Ashley Babbitt

As in: "Who shot her and why is that person not prosecuted?"


  1. 7. Synchronicity at work again.

    It occurred to me the other day that placebos were being used when I posted that tweet at t'other place of the mother and daughter speaking at the Ron Johnson vaxident event when she mentioned she had volunteered her three kids to take part in the "trials". (Not sure it was in that clip but I listened to most of the hearing - had to stop because it was winding me up)

    She says quite clearly that one of her sons got the placebo. Hmmm thought I. How can that be? How did she know that? Then the penny dropped.

    Must've been told afterwards. In which case this just enforces to me at any rate that the human race is being used as an experiment without its consent by a few billionaires with a god-complex. Those participating are playing Russian roulette unknowingly.

    Heard from another punctured friend yesterday - memory shot to pieces. Many appointments and arrangements forgotten causing all kinds of upset but can't understand why this is happening. Friend in question is 61. May be a coincidence. I kept shtum - not risking causing any more anguish.

    1. Here's the whole video of the Ron Johnson hearing.

      You might not see me for a while. Got to get my head together at the prospect of losing some dear friends who mistakenly believed they were doing the right thing. No sympathy req'd. I'll get over it.


    2. Nevertheless, deepest sympathy, I think from all of goodwill here, and maybe even a prayer or two.


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