Saturday, July 03, 2021

Saturday [11 to 13]

13.  Biding our time

A number of things at exactly the same time [around 15:40].  Firstly, I was right in the middle of writing my further response to Sat 10 when Ripper wrote:
My main reason for the urge to step in, was that the comment conveyed a different message to me. Its fine to disagree with someone, to hold different views but this was criticizing you as a person, the underlying message being "you should think the way I do, and if you don't you are a miserable useless person, your blog reports only misery", and by implication, me being one of your contributors, that would include me. I read between the lines and I don't take garbage like that without challenge and neither should you.

This blog has collected a huge amount of evidential data over the past year or two. It needs protecting, archiving in some way so that it can't be erased and can be referred to easily.
Singing to the choir, Ripper, singing to the choir, old son.  My opening words in this post now, after two more snide messages from our "friend" are: "You can stick it where the sun don't shine, chum."

WTF do these people seriously think they're about?  As readers will hear on Wednesday evening, I've just been listening through a radio play [this early evening's is already scheduled for 5 p.m., different topic], getting this evening's fayre ready, and so on and so on. 

In this play, without giving too much away, a killer finds himself hemmed in by someone trickier than he is and unfortunately, collateral is also roped in, as happens, and as amateurs, the collateral  believe in the olive branch offered by the other side. With fatal consequences.  It's always been that way. 

Getting it through the skull that  the Woke, inc. DemRats, RINOs, CINOs, Momentum types etc. are not in the least principled is one of our fatal flaws.  We of the middling majority have always operated by the rules of civility but if one stops for a moment and actually considers the impositions the other side try on, the disrespectful manner that goes with it - those fanatics are anything but principled. 

It's hard to get that through the skulls of ordinary people, that nothing that the disrespectful say or do [Sat 10] is to be either heeded, trusted nor taken to heart. So we keep our powder dry and some of us shadow box.  Ripper doesn't pfaff around or shadow box and that's why he's needed at this stage of proceedings, with things about to hit the fan out there.

There's another error the other side make too and they're making it right now in this country, in the US, in other western nations - that while we're being patient, reading the lie of the land, preparing - they mistake that for lack of resolve.  They're as thick as pigs***, excuse my French, and arrogant to boot.

Archiving is in hand.

12.  Steve

Trump participates in border security briefing

11.  DR

a.  Here's the whole video of the Ron Johnson hearing.

You might not see me for a while. Got to get my head together at the prospect of losing some dear friends who mistakenly believed they were doing the right thing. No sympathy req'd. I'll get over it.

[DR speaking there.]

b.  At t'other place


  1. I am disgusted by the recent treatment of Belarus, a small country which few people knew and fewer ever thought about. First there were no lockdowns, pubs and stadia remained open. A 10million bribe was offered with the condition that they locked down, Lukashenko declined. Then spontaneous demonstrations against his rule erupted, called colour revolutions to make them sound cuddly. Over here the same thing would be called insurrection. Who organised these demonstrations? Lukashenko has his suspects and took the first opportunity to nab one, cue sanctions, cancelled flights and outrage. Now it seems that arms are being smuggled into the country from Ukraine. There are connections here which only the very dim could fail to notice.

    Another war is being created, this time we'll be on the side of the Nazis.

    1. Have to go to work James, but nip over to Mac's place, I think he's dropped on another explosive article. Don't know exactly what's in it, no time left. But it looks very interesting.


Comments need a moniker of your choosing before or after ... no moniker, not posted, sorry.