Saturday, July 03, 2021

Saturday [1 to 5]

5.  Seth Dillon on Gab

This was yesterday at Wimbledon. Why is there still a mask mandate on planes?

4.  Lockdown Sceptics

Since the publication on May 14th of the letter in Science calling for a new investigation into the origins of COVID-19, the lab leak theory has officially gone mainstream. Numerous articles testifying to its plausibility have been published, and [usurper] Biden ordered intelligence agencies to “redouble” their efforts to examine the virus’s origin.

One of the best articles that’s been published in recent weeks is a piece by Zeynep Tufekci in the New York Times. Although she doesn’t come down in favour of one theory or the other (lab leak versus natural origin), she does lay out much of the circumstantial evidence for a lab leak. And it’s not in short supply.

3.  Steve

a.  Planet Covid (Mad World Edition): As Demand for Bioweapon Shots Decrease Governments and Big Tech Look to Squash Free Speech of Dissenters

b.  Shocking - Number of Adverse Reactions to Covid Vaccines surpasses One Million according to UK Government’s 22nd update

c.  Heart Inflammation Linked to COVID Vaccines in Study of US Military, Department of Defense Confirms

d.  Nuremberg Trials 2.0 The International Criminal Court for Crimes Against Humanity, July 4th 2021 

2.  Torquaymada

1.  DR

a. Covid supplement pre-supper edition. "COVID-19 Supplements: King’s College London And Fujitsu’s Advanced Quadratic Computational Screening Identifies Vitamin B12 As A Potential Antiviral Against SARS-CoV-2." 

b.  Audit distraction edition (see CodeMonkeyZ's advice from earlier) "Judge rules to unseal dozens of documents about Ghislaine Maxwell's personal affairs, including those that reveal her and Jeffrey Epstein's relationship with the Clintons Judge Loretta Preska ruled Thursday that dozens of documents about Ghislaine Maxwell's personal affairs should be unsealed in the next two weeks " 


  1. "Why is there still a mask mandate on planes?" No, masks are not compulsory on planes. In planes, sure. But if you sit outdoors, e.g. on a wing, you needn't wear a mask.

    1. "No, masks are not compulsory on planes."

      Trials are underway though...


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