Friday, July 02, 2021

Friday [16 to 19]

19.  London and the heat is on

18.  Distant Relative

a.  Covid supplement pre-supper edition.

"COVID-19 Supplements: King’s College London And Fujitsu’s Advanced Quadratic Computational Screening Identifies Vitamin B12 As A Potential Antiviral Against SARS-CoV-2."

b.  Fibber Fauci Tea-time edition.

"Jim Jordan says he can prove Fauci LIED"

(Most here could prove it too. Must be something about the name "Tony"| that stops stuff sticking i.e. Teflon) 

17.  Chuckles

... with another blast from the past.  He writes: "Laughable rubbish:"

See Ron Liebermann in comments:
We must never allow clinicians to prescribe exercise as medicine. If we do, here’s what will happen: 
1. They will make you wear an electronic monitor, to guarantee your compliance. 

2. They will bill Medicare a fortune, even though they haven’t done anything. 

3. They will also begin to prescribe food, music, and movies. And you will have to comply with those directives, as well. 

4. They will criminalize non-compliance; if you argue, you’ll lose your medical coverage. 

5. They will diagnose you with a variety of physical and mental illnesses, so that you will remain under their control forever. We need to rethink the job description of a “Doctor”. Really, we don’t need them anymore. There are homeopathic and Ayurvedic practitioners who heal people naturally, for a much lower price, and they don’t bill Medicare. And to be honest, we don’t need Medicare anymore, either. It’s welfare for rich people.
16.  Haiku

a.  Another plan to reduce obesity ?

b.  It'll never happen (short of closing down all air travel)

c.  It's a tuff world out there

d.  Our parents will look after us ?

e.  No booze ? I feel their pain (in ZA we simply ban all alcohol sales)

f.  The mark of The Beast (first iteration) ?

h.  Finally, let's all eat healthily


  1. Audit distraction edition (see CodeMonkeyZ's advice from earlier)

    "Judge rules to unseal dozens of documents about Ghislaine Maxwell's personal affairs, including those that reveal her and Jeffrey Epstein's relationship with the Clintons
    Judge Loretta Preska ruled Thursday that dozens of documents about Ghislaine Maxwell's personal affairs should be unsealed in the next two weeks "

  2. Useful...regularly updated:

  3. Steve

    Planet Covid (Mad World Edition):

    As Demand for Bioweapon Shots Decrease Governments and Big Tech Look to Squash Free Speech of Dissenters

    Shocking - Number of Adverse Reactions to Covid Vaccines surpasses One Million according to UK Government’s 22nd update

    Heart Inflammation Linked to COVID Vaccines in Study of US Military, Department of Defense Confirms

    Nuremberg Trials 2.0 The International Criminal Court for Crimes Against Humanity, July 4th 2021

  4. NO seems to be (to me at least) becoming an aggregator of 'those things we should know'. It's a lot to ask, but is there a way of of archiving it in an easily accessible way? I'm no techie but the wide sweep of all that's being accumulated here is surely worthy of being archived. It's evidence in my opinion.

    Appreciate you (James) have much on your plate but I simply flag it up.There is good quality sourcing going on here.

  5. Steve

    Maricopa County:

    Arizona Audit Floor Cleared Of Pallets – Ballots And Machines In Storage For Remainder of Evaluation (Video)

    Katie Hobbs Is Terrified Of Final Arizona Vote Count – She had a Duty to Certify Accurate Results

    Maricopa County Supervisor Steve Gallardo Knows What Is Coming – Begs Senate To End Audit

    Katie Hobbs Cries Discrimination and Racism Over Supreme Court Denying Ballot Harvesting in Arizona – Arizona Conservative Puts Her In Her Place

    Elsewhere in Georgia:

    Report: Over 168,000 Ballots Missing Chain of Custody in Cobb County, Georgia


    Decoding Political Babble and Double Speak - Non Hackable Modems?


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